Komentar :
Wahyu Erlangga (21/04/2018 11:10)
Karena tempatnya kurang strategiss
muhamad sudirman (31/03/2018 16:52)
Abahiam Abahiam (10/01/2018 01:31)
Bagus lah .membawa keluarga.ada tempat bermain anak -anak makanan nya juga enak
Iqbal Abahiam (11/03/2017 18:27)
Cocok buat santai bersama keluarga,sip nih ada tempat cuci kendaraan juga
Aulia Karli (10/03/2017 12:09)
I love those complete recreation facilities for all family member, such as: Water Park for Kids,Fishing Pond, Cafe and Lounge. We can also enjoy the river view with the Water Bike, and ask them to clean our car or motorcycle in the Car Wash. Located in the riverside of Kahayan River, it supposed to be the best recreation place in Palangkaraya City.
It also suits for those who want to celebrate someone's birthday party or make a gathering.
eko saputro (06/02/2017 02:52)
Baru di aktifkan rencana tgl 19 feb 2017
Irpan Rianto (02/05/2017 13:29)
Lumayan untuk sekedar bersantai bersana keluarga
Yuyus Sera (11/12/2016 20:12)
Bersantai sambil memancing
Yanti Junaidi (13/09/2016 07:32)
Ayo teman teman kita berenang