Komentar :
Liesya Kuza (20/02/2018 07:52)
Asri mah..adem..
Muhamad Miftachul Huda (09/12/2017 09:03)
Good job
reyhan rahman (13/08/2017 04:49)
Tempat yang asri, nyaman untuk menikmati hari, bersantai sendiri maupun bersama kerabat. Rapi dan tertata karna tempat ini berada dalam lingkungan Perumahan Polda. Nice.
Abdul Alief (28/07/2017 23:16)
Its a better place than it use to be, the lake is clean, with nice hall in the middle of it. Surrounded with small pavement for walking or jogging track, 1 lap is approx 300 meters. There's also children playing ground at one of the side. Great!
Bagus Fitri Utomo (11/01/2017 13:27)
Romantic and beautifull place..
AHMAD ZAINI MZ (15/12/2017 16:31)
wahhh cukup indah
Kamto 117 (26/09/2017 05:12)
Tempat bersih.nyaman dan aman soalny dkat rmh dnas kpolda
Syah Wenar (19/08/2017 22:58)
Lumayan buat rame2
Abdul Alief Alamsyah (28/07/2017 23:16)
Its a better place than it use to be, the lake is clean, with nice hall in the middle of it. Surrounded with small pavement for walking or jogging track, 1 lap is approx 300 meters. There's also children playing ground at one of the side. Great!
rendra DTT (28/04/2017 13:15)
Nyaman sebuah taman dengan kolam
Bramantya Reza (18/12/2016 21:31)
Tempat joging
Di Raizel 39 (20/11/2016 00:21)
Pemandangan yang bagus dan tertata rapi serta lingkungannya juga bersih
Rezha Fahlevi (19/11/2016 08:26)
Apabila anda ingin duduk santai, pergilah ketempat ini. maka anda akan mendapatkan ketenangan malam yang enak.
Tri Marfianto (08/11/2016 10:38)
Pertama kali berkumpul kelompok jahe ketika masa-masa opak IAIN 2016