Komentar :
erika hardiyanto (29/05/2018 07:45)
A good place for shopping your daily needs
Rizki Rinayah Rora (08/03/2018 01:28)
* Affordable price for daily stuff, recommend for monthly needs for snacks, toiletries, meal, fast food, baby's stuff, etc like what supermarket always sell.
* the parking area is not too large, but it still allows motorbike and car.
* The service aren't good enough. Hope the employees give a smile, at least when we want them to take something from the cupboard or when we ask the available stock or other variations of the goods. Do not service us with so ignorant.
* at the cashier, I hate them when they give me the Change with Candies for they do not have coins. Coins are still money, dude.
they force us to buy things we dont want.
Happy Lailatuansyah (03/03/2018 11:45)
Very good place for shoping daily stuf.
sapto budiono (26/02/2018 14:31)
Free wifi
Siti Nurul (15/10/2017 13:53)
Comfort n easy to looking for something
Agus Tan (13/06/2017 06:42)
One of my Fav SPG.
Eko 534 (18/12/2017 12:28)
Pop city
Syaiful Ridzal (05/11/2017 05:16)
fee ay (06/09/2017 18:11)
Lokasi di jl. Dr. Sutomo Probolinggo
Parkir luas tapi panasss...
Jenis barang yg dijual lumayan lengkap dgn harga yg relatif murah
Salah satu supermarket yg wajib dikunjungi saat belanja bulanan.
cici elsye (21/07/2017 05:56)
Supermarket dgn hrg termurah
Skrg parkiran lbh luas daei biasanya
Tersedia butik di dpn sinter
Wawan Kuswandoro 莞幸福 (14/07/2017 20:14)
ST is back... setelah sempat beristirahat beberapa waktu.. Namun kini tetap ramai dikunjung orang. Tempat parkir lebih luas, namun daya tampung masih belum sebanding dg kendaraan yg parkir. Layanan lebih bagus, lebih customer friendly.
Syauban Anas (06/07/2017 06:16)
Supermarket legendaris di Kota probolinggo. Harganya "katanya" paling murah. Parkirnya sekarang lega. Tapi lebih enak parkir di KDS, terus menyeberang jalan Dr Sutomo
cakra wangsa (12/06/2017 12:38)
nice supermarket in town
alfiatun hasanah (28/01/2017 02:01)
Sebelumnya mohon maaf yang sebesar2nya,,saya cuma menyarankan..harus lebih teliti lagi dalam menghitung barang yg dibeli pembelinya,,karena kemarin saya beli barang cuma dua dihitung 29..
Faji Pras (31/12/2016 16:53)
Harga setiap produk murah dari toko2 yg lain