Komentar :
Umi Kulsum (02/11/2020 07:31)
Very disappointed, I servic leptop within a week from 26 to 2 there is no information on the leptop check I still can't. Even though Leptop wanted to use the exam 2 days later, on the 5th, I was confused about looking for a service, where in 2 days the service was sorry, sorry, I wasn't quick to provide information.
12 IPS 2 M2P (02/11/2020 06:19)
Very disappointed, I servic Leptop in a week there is no information, I can't click Leptop yet. Not fast enough to provide information.
Mahli Hoqiaf (20/07/2020 23:30)
For the first time, there was already a hand washing facility, knowing that it was still a pandemic. Then first impressions, maybe the items here are complete, because I need just service. Continue to meet his customer service (?) .. huumm sad mba less smile. Don't be so bad, mbaa ... work spirit for service. Then the technician was called by him, the first impression of the technician really knew where my laptop was broken. Looks like you need to reinstall windows. The cost is quite cheap in Malang, it's 25 thousand. For me it's quite expensive hehe because in Malang 100 thousand already got it. With a 3-month warranty. But let see, what about after the service there.
Pocong GAMING (25/06/2020 02:56)
Ternyata lebih lengkap di sini untuk kebutuhan komputer saya.
Hardisk external 2TB ada dsni. Saya kasih bintang 5 untuk pelayanannya ridicomp.
M Gilang (15/04/2020 23:56)
Tempatnya nyamaaannn bnget. Tentunya ber ac ga gerah ga panas ga keringetan beda ky toko compt lain.. and untuk pelayanan nya ramah datang langsung di sambut. Hrga murah di bndingkan toko lain .. mantap
shandro tourbromomurmer (04/04/2020 06:19)
Beli printer brother di sini g dijelaskan kalau isi ulang tinta harus mereset printer.
Dan cara mereset printernya harus toko yg mereset karena kodenya rahasia.
Jadi harus di bawa ke toko.
Jadi printernya sekarang tdk bisa dipakek karena ribet kl mau isi ulang.
Padahal ini printer buat operasional sekolah.
Kapok beli di sini.
Urusan sekolah dan apapun g akan belanja disini lagi.
Muhammad Hufron (19/01/2020 05:30)
Hari minggu tutup
agusmufti@yahoo.co.id agus (24/09/2019 09:24)
Indra Ponco Kusumo (17/06/2018 08:16)
Toko elektronik dan tempat servis leptop yang bagus
Ratih Ridianto (08/04/2017 15:01)
Harga nya PASTI MURAH!!!
hadi Penjuru (04/12/2016 08:24)
Lengkap dikawasan probolinggo terhubung langsung dgn prinsipal diatributor
Deliar Mahardika Candra (04/08/2016 07:02)
Tempat servis dan jual laptop/pc terlengkap di Probolinggo
Ridianto Sudijono Putro (17/09/2017 02:58)
bisa harga ecatalog