Komentar :
Umi Rukailah Safari (11/05/2018 12:33)
I help facilitate teacher training. It is great to meet teachers with such a commitment. The place has no air condition, only limited wall fans. Shoes are not allowed so I bring my own clean sandals on the second day of training unless I would never make it to a week.☺
Enjik (15/03/2018 04:08)
The best
Rofiatul Adawiyah (20/12/2017 07:48)
Lagi ada pertemuan dg ibu faidah bupati jember
Robit Robit (08/12/2017 19:23)
Lagi jemput ortu pulang dari umroh..
Ismail el fahim (09/11/2017 21:36)
PP. Darul Hikmah Al-Ghazaalie