Komentar :
Sherly Novitasari (16/05/2018 13:41)
Pertama kesini langsung nyobaik cream soup nya enak bgt tp ayam nya krg banyak, lama kelamaan jd agak eneg ,pdahal cream soup nya the best bgt... Please tolong diperhatikan keluhan customer. Hehe ^^
Haryo Sogol (03/05/2018 13:00)
Antok Frans (18/03/2018 04:11)
...culinary or food court located inside Lippo Mall, with 8/9 tenants, atmosphere is good, and nice view from outdoor seatings, but the taste is just it is what it is, and a little bit pricey..
Gusti Ayu Agustina Riski (30/12/2017 18:38)
The interior is good. Good location in 4th floor. But the taste of the food is worst.. with the high price.the food is not as they look in the picture. Very dissapointed and not recomended.
Deddy Taufik Hidayat (13/10/2017 06:05)
Very good foodcourt chain, nice taste, clean, good services, many seats, many choice of menu, high quality. You must try here, for lunch around IDR 38k, you get Nasi Goreng Kambing Kebon Sirih with original taste and hot sweet tea.