Komentar :
Ditya Afifa (06/09/2020 03:55)
It's clean, and the price would be more cheap from another deptstore in probolinggo I guess. But, there will be so crowded especially on weekend.
umay 737 (01/09/2020 07:54)
dewi masyita (31/08/2020 07:51)
Bromo waterfal Ijen Bali prob (03/07/2020 01:38)
The strategi place to public our english course n travel
Misbahul munir (23/02/2020 17:31)
One of big modern place to fulfill your needs. Many things are available here. Feel free to come and buy all the things you needed
Freddy Boedijono (01/02/2020 12:26)
Good place for shoping
My House (26/12/2019 04:40)
,Recommended for shopping...
mohamad andri (06/11/2019 14:35)
quick shoppin today
AnakKost Lowcost (02/06/2019 15:12)
The biggest shopping centre in Probolinggo City. You can find clothing and fashionable fabrication products on the second floor. Fast food and miscellaneous daily needs available at the first floor
PASUKAN KLOMPEN (06/10/2019 04:47)
Good shoping
Maya Deviani Sukmadita (03/07/2019 14:18)
Favorite place to shop β€ππ
Dhofar (05/06/2019 07:14)
Best Store for branded clothes
Novan C Nugraha (06/06/2018 15:24)
Terlengkap di kota probolinggo namun eskalator sering banget ga nyala, AC juga kurang dingin
Andik Febriansyah (04/06/2018 04:59)
Enak sih kalo buat cari baju, tapi kalo di momen mendekati lebaran gak banget, acnya gak berasa, terasa kaya pasar, banyak bau orang bercampur kemana"
Hadi Wiranata (14/04/2018 11:48)
Panas, AC mati
Ari Ajirianto (23/03/2018 12:26)
nice place.. cheap and good quality..
Maryamon Maryam (19/03/2018 04:18)
The place is largest than other shopping place in probolinggo
Cahaya indah (03/02/2018 09:57)
ππdepartemen store recomended
yuwan Yucanidia (03/01/2018 11:12)
departement store. Not so newest mode of fashion, but affordable, less price compared to other city.
Roby Erwin (10/09/2017 15:36)
Place that now have all you need with big parking lot. So recommended supermarket in this town.
Indra Jaya Kusuma (19/12/2017 06:38)
Parkiran luaaasss
Agung Rekso (18/12/2017 06:09)
tempat buat cari kebutuhan pakaian. sampai daleman juga ada.
Harun Al Rasyid (08/12/2017 17:56)
Quitely good
anton dharma (03/10/2017 09:13)
Nice too shooping here
ORIENT EXPRESS TOUR (18/07/2017 02:50)
very good super market....
Adam Mele (15/07/2017 18:12)
Peace-living hippy. The term is meant to be an insult by some, but I'll take it and so should more of us. That's how we get this.
Ilyas Fahmi (19/03/2017 04:35)
Cocok sekali untuk anda yang mau punya pakaian baru , harganyapun relatif murah
Ida Fitriani (17/03/2017 15:08)
By idapixy mandom
Nico Kriesna (14/03/2017 08:56)
Like Big Mall.. i think probolinggo must proud have KDS store
Wahyu Mardiarto (29/12/2016 21:56)
Place is good. If you want middle level stuff for yourself, it's the place. Prices here are relatively affordable.
rendra andy (23/12/2016 06:22)
Parkiran semakin luas....
Cak Kemprut (24/10/2016 17:42)
Banyak pilihan
Deliar Mahardika Candra (04/08/2016 06:58)
Boleh lah kalau pengen nyari baju buat kalangan menengah ke bawah
Nuruddin Kamil (17/02/2016 07:53)
Tempat belanja baju paling populer di Probolinggo.
Baju yg dijual beragam dan harganya relatif murah-murah.
Sedikit tips, jika berbelanja disini jauhi hari weekend karena tempat pasti ramai sehingga tidak nyaman
Kelebihan lain ditempat ini, menyediakan parkir Mobil yg luas.
Kurnia Alvin (13/07/2016 11:22)
Menyediakan layanan parkir yg baik (y)
risky purwati (06/05/2016 11:55)
nyasar aku
Muhammad Ridwan Sholeh (05/01/2016 08:21)
Paling suka tempat pecah belahnya.. kolesinya ditambah dong.. :)
Sujatyoko Yoyok (14/08/2015 14:01)
Lumayan rame. Parkiran luas