Komentar :
wahid kurniawan (10/05/2018 13:22)
Cozy place
Keluarga Pelancong (09/04/2018 08:22)
Comfortable, good to enjoy with some friends. Some western food options other than coffee selections. Coffee was good, but not so special.
Karlinda Agustina (22/02/2018 09:51)
good place to hangout, working and enjoying a cup of coffee :)
Hana Luh (11/01/2018 08:59)
Very nice place to date
denenet (07/08/2017 21:31)
Easy to grab this place during at midtown of Jember, many option coffee menu for gathering or discussion with our collage and partner. They have narrow parking lot, only for around four or five car, better to drive motorbike
Piring Terbang (01/07/2017 13:24)
good place to gathering. clean and comfort spot
Yosua Wijaya (28/12/2017 14:40)
Good place, delicious foods & drinks
Rahmi Yulianti (19/09/2017 00:17)
Nice place
septi wz (25/07/2017 09:53)
Cozy place
markus widwijono (18/07/2017 13:26)
Nice plzce
Rehuil Candra S (27/05/2017 03:19)
Lumayan lah tempatnya. Tapi sepi pengunjung. Rasa kopinya tidak jauh berbeda dengan yang lain.
didit primantoro (18/03/2017 01:07)
tempat yg enak buat ngobrol bareng teman sambil ngupi ..
Andy Nurul Afiat (29/01/2017 10:49)
Cukup lumayan, hanya saja untuk wifi yg sangat lambat dan harga yg tak terjangkau utk kota jember serta penataan kurang menarik. Mungkin bisa diadakan live musik atau band
Agus Hadi Prayitno (09/11/2016 06:50)
Abdullah Zahir (03/10/2016 22:51)
Tempatnya yg menarik dan nyaman serta sajiannya yg cukup murah dan tentunya enak
Andre Syen (29/09/2016 12:37)
Nice place , nice food ,nice coffe
Sarah Azzahwa (27/09/2016 11:08)
Sebagai orang luar jember, betah sih ada kafe kayak ginian hehe. Cozy, wifi, and tranquille. Tpi harganya , harga cafe bandung bgt yak
Leonarldo Leonarldo (13/07/2016 13:14)
Coffeetoffee jember is the cosy and nice place to hang out