Komentar :
samik hear (15/02/2018 22:09)
It has a really good reputation with the disappointed realization. It has high prices and the 'bebek goreng' or fried duck is not really that tasty like everyone said.
Eko Prasetiyo (12/11/2017 09:49)
Good duck menu in Probolinggo
Wawan Kuswandoro 莞幸福 (14/07/2017 19:29)
good taste in oriental flavor, unique. Must try it. Rasa sedap dengan bumbu khas timur, rasa Indonesia. Must cuba..
Syauban Anas (12/06/2017 06:14)
a popular fried chicken and duck food place in the town, the recipe is good, spicy for food lover
Arief Bahari (23/01/2017 16:19)
very very good. awesome recipe. even better for spicy food lover!
Adam Agus Kurniawan (09/07/2015 07:19)