Komentar :
Danu Bang zai (07/10/2020 12:58)
Please share the wa number so you know the t4
Guntur Ramadhan (05/10/2020 10:54)
Only by showing your KTP can you stay and stay indohoy ????
Ivan Aji sugiantoro (19/09/2020 09:12)
Dirty, expensive, unfriendly officers
The room has lots of tissue used by org wik "
The point is not really for families
Yanto Yudha (29/05/2020 03:31)
Brp harga nya bos
IMAM CLAW (17/05/2020 23:03)
Cek harganya dong
cc tv dam truck (06/04/2020 05:14)
Desa ne dewe
RohimAgung Motovlog (06/03/2020 15:30)
Cocok banget ini tempat. Harus dipertahanin. God job
UFC Moment (21/11/2019 13:39)
Apakah losmen disini bebas ??
Bioscience Online Learning (10/11/2019 12:41)
One of good and simplicity losmen in Pringsewu - Lampung Province, Indonesia. The losmen is the only losmen that we find near of my friend house in Pringsewu. So it make us easier and comfortable. The losmen provides AC, two single bed, amenities, glass mineral water. Around the losmen we find minimarket the we can buy something that we need. I think it is a simple losmen for the tourists. It is a convenience in price.
Evy Anggraeny (10/11/2019 12:41)
One of good and simplicity losmen in Pringsewu - Lampung Province, Indonesia. The losmen is the only losmen that we find near of my friend house in Pringsewu. So it make us easier and comfortable. The losmen provides AC, two single bed, amenities, glass mineral water. Around the losmen we find minimarket the we can buy something that we need. I think it is a simple losmen for the tourists. It is a convenience in price.
Sunaryo Naryo (27/10/2019 23:25)
Kurang enak kamarnya kecil
Hikmah Selasih (16/10/2019 13:44)
Harganya 150 per 24 jam
Bambang Suwarsono (03/07/2016 20:52)
Yogapangeran Pangeran (24/04/2019 05:40)
Berapa harga nya
satriabumi 05 (13/04/2019 10:33)
Tempat Parkirnya harus lebih diperhatikan
lufian agung saputra (01/04/2019 18:49)
Juga bisa buat wuik wuik
Amir Syarifudin (17/12/2018 13:46)
Bagus nyaman tempat sejuk tidak bising
Harga tersangka,
mak tratap (27/11/2018 21:05)
Tmpt nya nyaman bersih .tpi tingkat kan lg kebersihan pada kamar agar pengunjung lebih betah. 👍
eko adriyan (01/10/2018 02:46)
mari kesini
Angka Empat (27/09/2018 01:59)
Luar biasa
Bambang Setiady (29/06/2018 22:57)
Lumayan...dpt referensi dari kawan yg kebetulan rumahnya dekat lokasi.
Supri Yadi (30/04/2018 17:21)
Tempat nya nyaman .TDK jauh dr jalan raya d.tidak berisik dan terhindar dr debu.harganya terjangkau hanya kisaran 150-200 RB.relatip murah
Erik Susanto (22/04/2018 10:16)
Ike Setiawati (17/04/2018 03:22)
Ok bgt.. Nyaman. Murah. Dan bersih jauh dr asap debu
Eko Suwandi (23/02/2018 12:59)
Rchandrad 25 (25/12/2017 12:54)
Sharie Arsendja (20/09/2017 17:16)
Alfin_nababan (22/09/2016 05:02)
pernah bekerja di losmen grand wisata
Muhafi Khoiriyyah (04/05/2017 00:56)
Arfandi Wardana (21/01/2017 09:37)
hamid mukhlis (06/01/2017 01:30)
2koin (22/09/2016 05:02)
pernah bekerja di losmen grand wisata
alfin putune mbae (22/09/2016 05:02)
pernah bekerja di losmen grand wisata