Komentar :
Mufti Lestari (18/06/2020 03:14)
Tempatnya nyaman dan tenang. Mantap untuk istirahat
ArduiGo (10/05/2020 13:27)
The place is comfortable, cool
Samsul Gibol (10/12/2019 13:30)
Bersih tapi harga lumayan mahal .
Mending d hotel harga segitu dapat breakfast
Nurul Hidayah (04/09/2019 12:43)
The place is comfortable because in the village, so there is no noisy vehicles passing by, suitable for those who really want to enjoy a break ... there are some rooms that are already inhabited (monthly boarding), there are daily ones like the one I rented ..
All that's lacking is warm water???? but overall it's great ... Next to the guest house is the canteen, so don't need to walk far to buy breakfast. And that certainly affordable
AKUSARA CHANNEL (05/07/2019 10:54)
Bikah Kusti Noviani (01/07/2019 14:38)
Cozy, the location is a bit entered but the room has a special clothesline ... lots of food around it
Cbyer Destroyer (05/07/2019 10:54)
Kurnia Gagat (19/03/2019 07:20)
Kebersihan lumayan, kamar ngga begitu besar, kamar mandi kecil sederhana seperti kamar mandi rumahan. Parkiran kecil. Akses mudah.
Lu'aili Addina (24/02/2019 09:39)
Tempatnya nyaman, asri, bersih, penjaganya jg baik dan ramah..
Ady Yanti Granida (19/02/2019 04:04)
Kantinnya murah banget n enaakkkk ππ»ππ»πΆπ₯ππ½
ampratikna 14 (09/07/2018 03:26)
Kosnya nyaman dan aman, selalu bersih. Guest house juga sangat nyaman dan harga bersahabat.
Hafizhuddin Adiwibowo (21/04/2018 07:24)
kos eksklusif dengan harga terjangkau. AC, kamar mandi dalam luas, ada dapur & kulkas, ada teras & balkon kecil di belakang kamar. Minus almari kecil, tempat parkir terbatas, bak mandi ember jumbo, tidak ada tempat alat mandi
wiwin agustina (11/06/2018 01:28)
Homestay kecil nyaman lokasi jg aman....
Adam Nur Rahman (08/05/2018 10:52)
Hery Darmawan (02/03/2018 03:46)
Temapte nyaman, rasa rumah sendiri