Komentar :
sinta Oktf (03/06/2020 01:14)
Tulus Pramudyo (16/03/2019 19:33)
Tube Papua (22/09/2018 08:59)
Grace Elfira (23/02/2018 07:20)
Rooms are spacious and clean. Amenities for the room like sandals, dental kit were not provided. Breakfast was okay, their yellow rice is pretty good. Wifi access where I was staying at the 2nd level is very poor. You have to go the lobby or Level 1 to have the WiFi Access with better connection. Overall, it was a good experience staying at the hotel it was worthed the price they offer.
Sarono Lampung (26/09/2017 23:26)
kenzie alfarezy (16/08/2017 01:58)
Good place
Oemar Bakrie (10/04/2018 09:54)
Kursi di lobi sebaiknya sofa yang empuk, adanya cuma kursi kayu
yusuf efendi (18/03/2018 00:31)
Bersih dan nyaman
Syamsuati Nur (17/11/2017 12:28)
Pelatihan asesor kompetensi oleh LSP SMK YPPP Wonomulyo 😁😁😁
Sri Agustina (12/11/2017 12:50)
Untuk ukuran hotel di kabupaten, hotel ini lumayan. Kurangnya cuma ga ada sandal, airnya ga panas, ga ada tanda arah kiblat.
adiangkasa , (15/09/2017 06:09)
Lumayan untuk menginap dalam beberapa hari saja.
Bahtiar Djaluddin (06/09/2017 04:32)
cocok buat apa aja
Mustamin Tajuddin (18/06/2017 15:51)
Kamar lumayan bagus... tapi tidak disediakan sahur
Yekti Kurniasih (23/05/2017 08:28)
Harga dan kualitas cukup sesuai, dekat dengan warung bertema alm. Nike ardila
Adnan Siswanto (24/04/2017 12:34)
Kamar bagus pelayanan kurang bagus