Komentar :
Bro armand (16/03/2018 07:56)
Domino area
Masdar zainuddin (04/03/2018 22:32)
irpan permana (26/07/2017 11:40)
Traditional coffe serve here, with nice feelling..of pinrang people,
Nugroho Hasan (18/01/2017 00:28)
Good taste coffee here. So classic place with tend outside.
Adil Abdillah (10/12/2016 08:56)
hangout place in town with friends while enjoying traditionally served coffee. Free internet connection is available. Good service with wide smile staff.
Azwar achmad (31/10/2017 13:21)
Lokasi Strategis, kopi dan wifi mantap
Tempat noongkrong na ana' mudayya sampaai yang tuayya;-);-)
game over (22/07/2017 06:49)
Agak pengap
Ario Akbar Wirawan (06/07/2017 09:28)
Traditional place
Mawardi A. ASJA (31/05/2017 11:24)
Kopi mantap...
arisas miko (21/12/2016 12:44)
Kopi yang di sajikan mantap
Abdillah Khomeni (10/12/2016 08:56)
hangout place in town with friends while enjoying traditionally served coffee. Free internet connection is available. Good service with wide smile staff.
Muhammad Mirwan (13/06/2016 16:39)
Kopi susunya istimewa!
Ahmad Muliadi MP (23/08/2015 09:32)
tempat ngopii bareng family kalau lg di kampoeng halaman....
harga seporsinya terjangkau banget....
ngga lengkap rasanya kalau lg dikampoeng, ngga mampir 😅😅
Welcome to Bumi Lasinrang