Komentar :
paristyn paristyn (18/05/2018 23:35)
Robby Aipassa (08/03/2018 23:08)
Disini Aku Mengabdi Ke Bangsa dan Tanah Airku
Mawanda Almuhayar (09/01/2018 03:09)
So ashame with the service. The employee is many, but there have no job. Although they have job, they do not do it competenly, they wait until the society insist them then they do their job. Iām as a society feel really dissapointed.
Ovien Valerie (22/11/2017 08:03)
Ngantor aseek
hendrichan baharunna (13/10/2017 19:02)
sebuah instansi pemerintahan yang menaungi lembaga pendidikan di seluruh Kabupaten Kerinci Jambi.
Sholikul Huda (08/01/2016 12:07)
Government official for education.
Ganis SETI (02/09/2017 08:46)
Kantor Diknas sedang pembenahan karena sempat kena musibah banjir.
Imo Nunic (01/09/2017 06:16)
Kantir dinas pendidikan Kabupaten Kerinci, hampir setiap hari saya melewatinya
Aan Putra (25/08/2017 14:54)
Pelayanan cukup baik.