Komentar :
Jonatan (29/05/2018 04:20)
Pantai bersih, terawat, sewa pondok 30rb..recommended
Ari Febianto (11/05/2018 12:31)
Beautiful place
Tawus Darusman (01/05/2018 08:09)
One destination in lampung
tri adinda anggraini (24/11/2017 03:50)
Amazing beach and enjoy sunset
Wiswar Ali (25/10/2017 23:16)
Nice Place, good view
Megacephalus (23/10/2017 14:46)
It's kinda clean beach with cottage on it, and some attraction like banana boat
Dwi ika Febriani (11/09/2017 00:06)
My Home town of course Great areaa
Toni Febri (28/09/2016 08:16)
Besides it's beautifull beach, there're many huts & shady coconut tree. Its pleasure to be here. You must visit this place when you search beach destination in Lampung.
aulian fajarrahman (23/10/2017 14:46)
It's kinda clean beach with cottage on it, and some attraction like banana boat
Alia Dharma (02/07/2017 06:55)
Worst of the worst, so Dirty.
Arum Pamungkas (27/06/2017 19:43)
Not bad lah
Erma zulfatusyam (07/09/2016 03:20)
bevrra BV (30/07/2016 07:41)
Beautifull beach but to crowded at big event day idul fitri
Rizki Irza (14/05/2016 02:50)
Tram (05/12/2015 06:36)
Cleaner beach than the other one, quite small place but fully occupied with blue wood tent
Arrio Prasetyo (09/08/2016 05:11)
Keren disana esss
Jonathan Hizkia (08/05/2016 02:45)
bizolution (05/12/2015 06:36)
Cleaner beach than the other one, quite small place but fully occupied with blue wood tent
Dini Nadia Putri (28/11/2015 16:24)
Masih sepi. Tapi pantainya benar2 bening dan ombak benar2 tenang. Recomemded buat yg mau melepas penat dan jauh dr keramaian.