Komentar :
Arya Shinta (01/06/2018 01:02)
This is a very nice and clean place to stay. It's long term staying-able. The breakfast and laundry is included, so none to worry about.
The decorations is more to wood and natural look. Feel really like at home. Only, the constant smell from next door kitchen's restaurant is quite annoying. I stayed upstairs on the right wing where its very clear the smell of cooking starts from 10 am and goes all along the afternoon.
It's good though if you wanna get strictly diet on. Just grab your fruits and smell the cooking smoke while chewing.
In general, this place is recommended to stay compare to other places around the neighbourhood. Plus, the owner and staffs are very friendly and helpful.
Afung Lie (20/12/2017 08:51)
Keren klu mau belanja sprai, murah banyak motif ok banget
Rendra Rian (13/10/2017 09:32)
Suasana cukup nyaman buat istirahat
findo eka (01/10/2017 04:53)
cantik, keren untuk nongkrong
Riano Aripuja (21/04/2017 14:12)
So clean so cozzy
Triia 94 (22/02/2017 23:42)
Kosan temen
Ardian Dian (13/10/2017 09:32)
Suasana cukup nyaman buat istirahat
atha rayyan (05/02/2017 23:55)