Komentar :
shabrina tamimi (18/04/2018 12:22)
I didn't expect that this place would attract many people because the place is located in quiet kind of village in north area of pantura road. It is famous for local people where it has traditional food for lunch. Instead of having main course menus, they provide more like dessert foods (indonesian traditional thing) such as kolak, rujak, botok, bubur sum-sum, etc (it reminds me of breakfasting menus in ramadhan). My favourite will probably be kiong, too bad I was running out of it when I got there. And pecel-lontong maybe the "heaviest" food to try. Some menus like botok, is something I couldn't find outside Pekalongan, it's made from corn, bongkrek, tahu, with coconut soup,well I can't really describe it haha but it is delicious. Here's I give you the picture of botok.
Khairur Rozikin (18/04/2018 07:07)
Tempatnya asik buat kumpul2...
Rozali Kece (30/03/2018 04:18)
Berez wong wek tanggane...sisan tak promosikke
Mi Wibowo (25/02/2018 06:16)
Enak dan bervariasi makanannya. Cuma lama pelayanannya. Mungkin perlu kasir khusus agar tidak menggangu penjual dalam melayani pelanggan. Jadi kudu sabar kalau mau ke sana. Hindari pas jam makan, susah parkir mobil..
yeni suryani (24/01/2018 11:45)
Tempatnya enak, masakannya lumayan, tp untuk lokasi dikampung harga lumayan mahal
Zidan April (20/01/2018 08:47)
Sangat bagus banget dan makanannya enak banget makasih ya buat kamu
dhesia liani (27/11/2017 06:24)
Delicious traditional food
ali zamroni (30/11/2017 05:08)
Pecel, rujak, keong, bubur
natasya ayu sekar kemuning (21/08/2017 04:17)
Menunya komplit..
Umi Kulsum (28/06/2017 23:58)
Rasa lumayan lah
Arif Chand (18/01/2017 06:27)
Citarasa mantab
Nana Alwa (30/10/2016 07:50)
Sip bgt makanannya
Dodon Ramlie (26/03/2016 06:59)
Pecel sama keong sawahnya mak nyus... Bubur campurnya asik bgt...