Komentar :
Kris LiveArt (02/02/2020 10:20)
Goo suply art
Rizky Nurokhman (04/01/2020 07:25)
The place is clean enough and the services also
yohans777 (02/11/2019 09:47)
Average book store in town but it is the only one in town that is big enough. Book collections are average and not vast enough. Air Conditioning is not great and feel hot inside when exploring books. Parking is quite easy for motorbikes and cars.
Muhammad Fatkhurozi (22/09/2019 11:40)
This shop was complete enough to daily need
laksono nugroho (21/08/2019 01:34)
Because the price is more expensive than the bookstore in pekalongan
Qina Nugroho (25/06/2019 19:01)
This bookstore is small and hot, you will get stationary first impression because they sell so many stationary there! Even no books display in the front! The books is only about 30%, I bet you can't find what books you need here. Idk but very disappointed. If you want to buy some books, just stay at home and buy them online. Don't waste your time.
Christian Gunawan (22/12/2018 09:20)
Good book store in Pekalongan city.
It provodes many choices of stationary.
Waiters serve visitor well and kindly.
They know well about the product sold in this store.
Parking area also proper and big enough for visitor.
This shop provides toilet for customers.
BEM Inggris (02/03/2019 11:45)
Great place to buy quality books
Stela Ginari (01/08/2018 12:23)
the only bookstore in pekalongan. being the only one doesnt mean being the best. but I think this is the best that pekalongan had (for now). Sorry to say, but this place is total mess :( especially on weekends.
Lukman Hakim (30/07/2018 23:50)
Most popular book store in Pekalongan but not complete. I donโt find board marker with various colour just black, red, and blue. Parking lot not big but enough. Not recomended for college student, because not sell imported books
evin thevinenty (29/09/2018 06:02)
All you needs about book or other equipments for school is completed here
Lituhayu Nisita (28/09/2018 17:47)
Cukup lengkap. Dengan berbagai macam jenis buku dan peralatan tulis serta aksesoris stationery lainnya
Zahra Abdullah (15/05/2018 14:44)
Salemba is the most popular bookstore in pekalongan. Maybe the biggest one for now. But the books isn't complete enough.
Ihda Maulida (06/05/2018 09:27)
Lokasi sangat strategis, parkir cukup luas. Koleksi buku teks/ bacaan tidak terlalu banyak dan kurang bervariatif, tetapi lumayan untuk ukuran kota Pekalongan. Tersedia juga alat tulis kantor/ stationary. Pelayanannya masih belum terlalu maksimal. Masih ada beberapa pramuniaga atau kasirnya yang kurang ramah dan kurang komunikatif.
Setyo Harmoko (28/03/2018 06:29)
Muhammad Zuhhad (13/02/2018 08:22)
Good store in pekalongan
firmansyah putra (26/01/2018 08:27)
Angga Budi P (29/12/2017 11:42)
malikus sumadyo (17/10/2017 02:36)
Samsul Mua (04/12/2017 13:52)
Toko buku paling lengkap di pekalongan
Muhammad Jalil (23/11/2017 02:23)
Syafiq Nabila (15/09/2017 14:16)
Nyaman bgt disini, 1 jam serasa 15 mnt๐
Bukunya bagus".. Terutama novelnya๐๐
Lei Roy Wisanggeni (11/09/2017 01:37)
Toko Buku ini menyediakan berbagai alat tulis dan perlengkapan sekolah lainnya serta buku pelajaran, ilmu pengetahuan, serta buku bacaan
Alfina Annuro (10/09/2017 07:28)
Apakah di toko buku salemba pekalongan ada buku berjudul kupinang engkau dengan ar-rahman??
Please jawab...
Novia Rochmawati Joehary (07/09/2017 15:45)
Untuk buku koleksinya belum selengkap toko sebelah. Meski begitu jadi yang terbaik karena cuma ada satu toko buku model begini di pekalongan
Dicky Satria (02/08/2017 07:35)
Ga selengkap Gramedia sih..tp cukup..buku" utk bahan perkuliahan banyak..sayang koleksi buku komik sangat minim
Hendro Pramono (29/06/2017 00:36)
Salah satu toko buku yang bisa dibilang terlengkap di Pekalongan, harga pun cukup murah
Abdul Aziz (28/06/2017 10:31)
Secara overall lumayan lengkap, namun koleksi novel kadang tidak begitu update
Teguh Yuliantoro (20/06/2017 00:29)
ACnya minimalis
Seiryuu Aoikaze (16/06/2017 04:11)
Lumayan lengkap. Sayang ga ada koleksi komik yg baru.
Pasya Putra (30/05/2017 20:30)
Salah satu Stasionary yg menyediakan kebutuhan anda dlm hal buku dan alat tulis kebutuhan sekolah
Taftazani Kraton (06/05/2017 13:59)
Moga warga pekalongan jadi makin pintar dan suka baca buku
Budi Pitono (08/04/2017 16:12)
Toko buku yg cukup lengkap di wilayah Pekalongan
rizky pratama (27/02/2017 23:09)
Tempat toko buku satu-satunya saat ini dan terlengkap, nyaman di Kota Pekalongan
Rusdi Baharmi (16/02/2017 23:20)
Gampang mencari revetensi buku dan atk
muhtadi faris (14/01/2017 22:32)
harga lumayan murah tapi koleksi bukunya kurang
Riska Diniyanti (11/01/2017 11:41)
Apakah ada buku Deary of Ari Irham & Catatan Dimas Saputra di Salemba
Arsyah Wiby (22/08/2016 10:38)
mohon maaf Buku Ada Surga di rumahmu apakah ada di situ