Komentar :
Saiful Nazarudin (27/01/2018 15:14)
Easy car packing place and good food.
ayu komang (03/01/2018 10:11)
Nazri Mohammad (28/12/2017 09:32)
good food.. but facilities, like toilet, prayer room need to upgrade for more comfort to customer..
nasrullah au (12/12/2017 04:42)
delicous! really!
Suyandi Liyis (10/09/2017 05:28)
Great hotplate satay. Also has rabbit satay 😱 Mixed rice is must try. Price is so affordable
Aulia Lastriarsi (05/04/2017 03:56)
Good value for money, fast service,
Wahyulax (15/11/2017 05:49)
bad service
arif rifaldi (02/07/2017 04:21)
Daging satenya kaya ga pake bumbu.. jd ga ada rasa..
Jon Budi Prayogo (06/05/2017 00:18)
Nyos nikmat mantap
edi mulyana (27/12/2016 07:35)
Bagus buat yg laperrr...tp ada minus nya lantai nya kurang perawatan sehingga kesan nya ya..agak kurang bersih..tolong di pertahankan ke raja sate subali nya..
Aziz Raharjo (11/10/2016 01:26)
Satenya enak. Parkir juga luas. Harga bersahabat.
Minusnya: Ada preman main cuci mobil kita. Dan minta bayaran yang cukup mahal. Triknya adalah: ketika kita baru datang ditempat ini langsung deketin premannya, dan bilang "mobil saya nggak usah dicuci".
wicaksono agung (09/09/2016 23:09)
Bramasta Hartono (28/08/2016 14:33)
The satai are not so good, and the advertising are too "alay" to see. They are not so good, and the services are very usual
Jaimy Azle (05/08/2016 00:57)
Good satay in this area at the average price
Arief Hakeem (14/11/2016 01:01)
Micky Kie (19/08/2016 13:24)
Enak satenya plus pakai hotplate jadi hangat terus
Hotline 2 (13/07/2016 07:02)
Lumayan mahal
Andri Aristiawan (04/07/2016 14:08)
Pas satenyaa brooo
Yonas S (09/03/2016 11:39)
Di pinggir jln pantura. Byk menu makanan selain sate.