Komentar :
Nyoto Sulistiyo (27/09/2020 03:01)
The place is most of the time clean. But the restroom kinda disappointing.
BaGoEs N.R (07/08/2020 04:37)
Kus Biantoro (02/08/2020 07:31)
Hari yadi (31/07/2020 18:56)
Nunu Nugeraha (29/06/2020 08:52)
No represtative toilet
Uchild 99 (08/03/2020 14:26)
Eko Apoteker (08/03/2020 11:06)
Grosir Elyka Jaket Collection (06/02/2020 22:44)
Bunga Laily (29/12/2019 09:25)
Fifi Anggraeni (02/12/2019 11:28)
ceko thole (30/04/2019 00:21)
Nice place to wait for Train comes
endah kirana (20/04/2019 23:40)
The Bus halte transite for going to Surabaya
Afryzal Faringga (03/09/2017 02:53)
Decent place. It's very safe here, even though the looks might suggest otherwise. Just don't forget to stay alert and you'll be just fine.
ayu ningtyas (27/11/2019 12:32)
Viony Jaya express (05/07/2019 15:40)
Nur HD (29/06/2019 06:38)
Nanang heriyan (14/04/2019 08:42)
Small terminal,i rather call it shelter
udiek widhianto (06/02/2019 12:31)
Small intercity bus station in Pandaan, not much happening in this place, but place is quite clean, you could find something to eat here in case you are hungry while waiting for your bus.
Bakhtiar Jauhari (15/10/2017 02:44)
This local bus station has been improved so far. But still need more organized especially with bus schedule which pass to this place.
Fitri Nurhayati (13/11/2018 00:33)
Fungsional. Hanya aktif pagi - sore. Kalau mau naik bis arah sby sebelum maghrib mending nunggu bis di pasar buah dan ke arah malang mending nunggu di indomaret tamndayu
Imam Irtiyantoko (10/09/2018 23:57)
Only the stop shelter for up and down of passengers of bus from Surabaya to Malang.
Elin Moevid (26/07/2018 06:04)
There are long chairs to wait for the b, but there is no bus schedule. Sometimes buses dont pass this terminal at night.
Daffa D N Pradana (09/07/2018 06:31)
There is only few chairs in waiting area. Yet reasonable for the traffic density
yohanes mairuhu (20/05/2018 09:28)
My routine bike ride route
Ardi Nugraha (26/02/2018 04:49)
Gangsar Isworo (24/11/2017 23:46)
A small bus station in Pandaan that transports to Purabaya Station in Surabaya and also some city near Pandaan.
shinta amalia (04/08/2017 03:48)
Mainly for bus transit from Malang area to Surabaya and vise versa
kiki wendra (06/08/2017 01:28)
Small bus station, mostly transit economic bus intercity.
Rizki Arbianto (05/08/2017 16:55)
The Parking Service are not 24 hours open.
Janan Arrosyadi (09/06/2017 10:43)
Trie Tjahjo (30/05/2017 00:57)
This is the place where the public transport was stop and go
Edbert Tanujaya (01/05/2017 04:50)
Tersedia banyak kursi, aman. Blm bebas asap rokok
Erwin Sugiartoe (09/04/2017 13:03)
Bis tdk ngetem lama dibterminal ini.. Hanya menurunkan penumoang saja
Bang Jihan (20/01/2017 03:47)
Marfian Eka (28/12/2016 15:03)
Terminal transit
Ayu Rahmantari (29/11/2016 07:35)
terminal transit kalo tiba2 pengen buang air kecil 😂😂
Atiek Rachmawati (24/08/2016 13:06)
terminalnya kecil tp nyaman... tersedia banyak tempat duduk... bis kebanyakan hanya transit sebentar untuk naik dan nurunkan penumpang
Feri Alamsyah (16/03/2015 04:16)
Waston Hadianto (11/10/2016 02:23)
Kecil tapi nyaman,
andi tri prasetyo hadi (19/07/2016 21:41)
Kopi nya sip
Arief Bahari (12/01/2016 06:25)
sekarang sudah bersih. tidak banyak calo.