Komentar :
jauharul amarudin (08/06/2018 11:14)
Populer rawon in east java after down from bromo mountain
Kurniawan Angga (27/04/2018 09:56)
Better order Gule kambing here than rawon.
Sawitri Dyah Kusuma Wardhani (20/04/2018 05:41)
first time dan yg kedua kesini with mr taufan and mas aris
ichsan udin (18/04/2018 05:36)
Perjalanan menuju Bromo belum lengkap kalau belum mencoba kuliner ini. Lokasinya sejalur jika mau ke Bromo. Makanan khas Jawa Timur ini memang yg paling terkenal “Rawon Nguling”. Dagingnya empuk nikmat disantap dengan tempe tambahannya yang cukup gede..
Harga masih bersahabat.
Irsanti Putri (28/03/2018 23:59)
I think their Rawon isn't good as before..
But wide, clean and comfy are good for a lot people.
They have variant other than Rawon, like Nasi pecel, Nasi Campur, Nasi Semur, etc. They didn't list their prices.
Henny W. Devi (04/03/2018 08:17)
The most epic dining place in eastern East Java. Their star menu is Rawon, it's a traditional rustic beef stew. Their Rawon is one of the best.
Price is quite affordable for a top notch dishes. This place provides plenty of communal seating. Great for family or small group. Unfortunately, the hygiene is an issue, find a clean space is a huge challenge.
This place is easy to access either by personal vehicle or public transport, located right next to the highway of Pasuruan Probolinggo. It's a must visit place when you are around.
Sugiharto Setyabudi (20/01/2018 07:46)
Very famous restaurant in Probolinggo, East Java area. The favorite menu is Rawon Daging, dark color (for some people might be disturbing, but actually it's delicious) beef soup. This is a must try place, even Presidents of Indonesia visited this place.
But, they should maintain the cleanliness of their place. Dirty plates and glasses left too long on the table after guests left.
Yudhan Sebastian (06/01/2018 22:49)
If you know "rawon" this is one of the best among others. They served another traditional dish as well.
The downside will be their cleanliness, it really need serious consideration. We cannot stay longer than 20 minutes because of that.