Komentar :
Rizky Mahdi (08/03/2018 00:28)
Lengkap, dekat dengan Perumahan dan Kampus.
Dinda Faridha (22/11/2017 01:52)
Some goods are cheaper than other stores, there were also bonuses and bundle packs. You can pay bills too, or make payment from e-commerces like tokopedia. Parking area is good, and table available in front of the store. I heard they do deliveries too.
Tar Ta (24/06/2017 02:43)
Lilik Setia (21/05/2017 21:25)
Ada tempat untuk istirahat nya
Ihza Ahmad (02/03/2017 05:30)
Lokasi pas
Arif Susanto (28/02/2017 18:34)