Komentar :
Ahmad Assidiq (14/01/2020 08:08)
has many seafood menus, but a bit pricey a.k.a expensive
Tinfa Fatimah (08/11/2019 12:53)
Seafood fave klrga saat weekend
asli palsu (08/11/2019 12:53)
Seafood fave klrga saat weekend
Adli Arbi Nasution (29/09/2019 04:40)
Recomended... fresh seafood... ππ
maman maulana (03/07/2019 11:24)
Very nice place... And delicious food
Baba Channel (27/05/2019 01:01)
Coozy place
Nice taste
Seafood number wahid se-west java and banten
A Kurnia (28/01/2019 02:01)
Nice place for Family Qualify Time
Fadhila (16/08/2018 01:01)
Nice place for friends&family and nice sea food experience
Abie Ariyo Dandoro (08/02/2018 09:27)
Good food, especially the calamari! The crab is also great... this foods is also paired wonderful hot sambal... If you're looking for a tasty seafood, here's your place... five star because the price is reasonably good...
Restu Banon (18/05/2019 15:41)
It is a good place for group that want get good view or good food. But need improvement for servicing the customer.
Mohammad Adi Ganjar (16/10/2018 15:57)
good food, reasonable price, some dishes are spicy
Fay Dhila (15/08/2018 06:04)
Nice place for friends&family and nice sea food experience
Jagata Jagat (08/06/2018 13:43)
It's nice place to eat seafood. The place is clean and have good bamboo architecture.
Sascha Brato (22/09/2018 05:30)
Great food! Nice place!
Sara Ajiwibawa (20/07/2018 00:24)
Good food! You must try βkaredokβ there, spicy and fresh!
sodroon Gs (03/05/2018 02:13)
Masakan nya enak harga murah tempat nyaman aman parkir luas
Maesaroh (25/03/2018 05:57)
Tempatnya lumayan, ikan bakarnya enak tapi pelayanannya kurang baik. Masa pesen sop ikan gak dikasih mangkuknya. Cuma asam manisnya kurang enak. Tapi lumayan mengganjal perut. Karena laper banget
Robbi Cahyadi (08/03/2018 00:17)
Rasa makanan seafoodnya lumayan harga $$, kebersihan baik, toilet dibawah standar. Biasanya ada durian dan kelapa muda
Heru Atmojo (20/12/2017 06:46)
Tempat nya enak buat santai bareng....
Menunya juga variatif ada udaang,cumi,ikan,ayam
Ada sayuran...
Harganya lumayan murah
Tapi pelayanannya mungkin harus ditingkatkan lagi....harus dipercepat penyajiannya...orang kalo dah laper tapi lama penyajiannya yaa bisa jadi negative thinking deh.....
N pegawainya kalo pake seragam tambah caem deeh