Komentar :
Anna Benaglia (28/04/2018 12:28)
Good veterinary, I sterilise my female cat and everything went fine. They keep the cat for 3 days after the sterilisation, so she was under observation in the critical time and I could go work without worries cos when she went back home her scar was already almost heal over.
Dino Ary (09/03/2018 05:18)
Nice doctor and helpful staff
Sanny Afsaneh (18/02/2018 05:05)
have been going there for the last 10 years very good service specially very caring vet. only hope the should also have a lab.
Novita RianaUli (16/02/2018 03:07)
I trust my baby cats in this clinic under supervision of dr. James. Not a fancy/lux pet clinic, but dr. James is a good hearted, have best skill in dealing with our pets, passionate and super patience
Intan Rachman (12/12/2017 08:18)
Very friendly doctor and nice staffs.
I bring my rabbit for the first time here, usually she's very aggressive to other people but somehow Drh. James calm her down and take care of my rabbit very nicely.
I was amazed. Price also makes sense.
Hope my rabbit getting better soon and will come again for next check up and grooming here.
Lolly Ariesta (04/06/2017 03:34)
The vet: They have doctor Daniel & James. Both of them are awesome. The vet will only provide necessary treatment/med to your pet. They're true animal lover. Everytime I visit them, they calmed down my frightened pet and played with them first, before performing any medical treatment. Price is cheaper than other nearest vet.
The shop: Not providing much options for pet food, accessories, and tools. Wide parking area.
The bath: Cheaper too. Clean and satisfying. Not outstanding but OK. I think they're more into the cat than the dog.
Nurul 'Kira' Salamah (22/10/2017 16:05)
kelinci aku kalo sakit selalu kesini.. dan akhirnya sembuh.. dokternya baik bangettttt sm kinci aku.. ga banyak drh yg kayak gini ke hewan. dan perawatannya tepat, ga dikasih obat ini itu yg ga perlu dan diagnosanya jg selalu tepat. obat yg diresepin jg mudah dicari.
Adit Lurry (10/09/2017 08:59)
Hampir smua kucing2 peliharaan sy sllu d tanganin di Mon's Pet,,para pegawai'a ramah2,udh gt drh.James the best bgt dh.. Gk mau pindah k petshop lain lg.. Thx Mon's Pet
yi yi (11/05/2017 14:12)
Dokter James baik banget, true animal lover..ga akan kasih obat-obat yang sebenernya ga perlu..recommended petshop esp dokter James-nya!! Udah 2 kucing langganan sama si dokter James ini, Thanks Dok! ❤️❤️❤️
Yunika Sari (02/05/2017 01:57)
Pelayanan dari DR James bagus, friendly sama kucingku.. kekurangannya : diruang tunggu mungkin di kasih pewangi gantung atau apa kali ya biar wangik^^ | harganya lumayan lah buat vaksin F4 Rp. 256.000 wahaha.. Overall good + kalo bisa ditambah metode pembayaran ga cuma cash aja. semoga kedepannya bisa lebih baik ya ^^
Amanda Prasyta (13/04/2017 15:18)
Nice, smart, & good doctor
Debby Sagita (30/03/2017 11:33)
Cara Dr.James nanganin hewan gesit, terus friendly bgt sama hewan2 yg mau diperiksa, tapi mungkin diruang tunggu nya bisa dikasih pengharum ruangan biar gak pengep sama bau2 makanan hewan 😊 Secara keseluruhan bagus 👍👍
Bumi Store (17/02/2017 10:07)
Harga terjangkau dan pelayanan ramah terutama DR James cekatan dalam operasi caesar
luciana indah Achmad (08/02/2017 21:26)
kucing saya yang tadinya cuman tidak nafsu makan karena saya khawatir di bawa kesini eh pulangnya malahan makin drop sampe akhirnya besok meninggal !
Eka Gona Putri Widarta (25/12/2016 03:10)
Ga pernah kecewa dengan pelayanan dokter James Dan Daniel disini.. Dokter nya sangat ramah Dan mengerti tingkat urgensi binatang yg sedang sakit.
Semua kucing ditangani disini beserta vaksin, steril Dan operasi lainnya..
Mungkin baiknya sistem pasien dibuat lebih modern serta ada pilihan pembayaran yglebih variasi...
Terima kasih Mons Pet Dan Dokter James...
Asti Inventria (22/10/2016 07:31)
Friendly vets and employees. The pets that come here are taken care of pretty well, however the facilities and place looks unkept.
adinda santoso (30/06/2016 04:09)
Dokternya ramah dan detail kasih tau apa penyakit yg sedang di derita.
Recomended bgt
Krisna Anindyka (12/10/2016 23:39)
Dokter ramah, relatif murah. Recommended.
Reka Hafizhurrahim (16/09/2016 01:05)
Ini buka dari jam brp sampai jam brp ya?
Dwi Chandra Suryana (23/06/2016 03:21)
dokternya bagus dan baik serta ramah