Direktori Lokasi di Indonesia


Pandeglang, Banten
Klasifikasi: Restaurant, Cafe, Bakery, dan Bar
Alamat: Jl. Jendral Ahmad Yani No.176, Sumurpecung, Kec. Serang, Kota Serang, Banten 42117, Indonesia
Rating: 4.30
Telp: +62 254 8482891
Jam Operasional:
Monday: Open 24 hours
Tuesday: Open 24 hours
Wednesday: Open 24 hours
Thursday: Open 24 hours
Friday: Open 24 hours
Saturday: Open 24 hours
Sunday: Open 24 hours

Komentar :

Hartono Halim (30/05/2018 11:49)
Mcd megeluarkan menu barunya lagi. Dulu kita ketahui bahwa untuk mencoba apple pie mcd kita hanya bisa mencobanya di mcd singapure. Namun beberapa tahun lalu, mcd akhirnya bisa menghadirkan apple pie di indonesia. Nah sekarang apple pie di kombinasikan dengan pisang menjadi banana apple pie. Bagian luarnya masih sama dengan apple pie sebelumnya yang gurih renyah ini. Waktu kita mengigitnya, aroma khas dari pienya memenuhi hidung dan pikiran kita. Rasa manis dari apel dan pisang berkombinasi menjadi satu dan meleleh di lidah kita, manisnya makin komplit dengan kehadiran dari pisang ini. Cocok untuk mencobanya bagi kita yang suka dengan pie ini.
Mcd di serang juga sangat perhatian dengan customernya di bulan puasa ini memberikan fanta float untuk customernya berbuka puasa.

Muhammad Subentra (11/05/2018 09:41)
To many "fakir wifi". They're only buy some drink and ice cone and they will be there for 2 Hours. Sevel bankrupt because of this.

erna susilowati (22/04/2018 03:01)
Mc Donald exists in Serang too. In intersection. Easy to find

ISMANTO IS (02/04/2018 04:45)
Nasi uduk McDonald is one of the menu you must try.

Daniel SIANTURI (20/03/2018 17:05)
Good place. One of the closest International Fast Food Chain Restaurant from Serang Timur Toll Gate. Usually full of the youngsters and families with kids. They provide free wi-fi here but with poor connection because most of clients use it. The parking lot is limited, but they provide drive-thru'. It tooks only 5-10 minutes from Serang Timur Toll Gate.

Tia Khustiarawati (07/02/2018 15:02)
My baby boy love the burger and the play ground. Its at the serang city center. At the front of Carrefour shop. It is crowd by customer every time i came there. You should be prepare to line and take the seat soon after you come. Coz its quite full of mcd lovers who already LAPER. so, every time you need some fast food, its a fastest way to reach, at the nearest Carrefour spot.

Muhamad Ridwan (09/01/2018 10:01)
Just another McDonalds' restaurant. It serves McD' food and beverages. The taste is also still the same with another McD' outlets. Eat here often to spend the night with friends.

Ekynaldi Eky (22/11/2017 01:16)
Just love this place! The staffs are helpful, and i don't think there is someone will questioning McDonald's taste :p

P.S : Just don't take junk foods too much, I'm here just around once a month or maybe less than that.

Yetnu Widoyo (30/09/2017 05:19)
McDonald restaurant in serang...very crowded in saturday and monday...but the place is big and fast serve

Wanda Prianto (09/09/2017 23:10)
Food and fun here

N S (08/07/2017 19:28)
Bad: small and crowded parking area... Hard to find seat between 18:00 - 23:00...
Good: open 24hours and drive thru...
Taste and atmosphere: typical mcD...

Arief Rahman Hakim (01/07/2017 12:55)
Just like a typical Mcd
Very crowded in the night. Should have expand more

Fadhlur Rohman (08/06/2017 14:07)
Too crowded. I think Mcd needs to open a new outlet in this town and an expansion for this outlet. It was difficult to find a seat, no power outlet available, the wifi is so so, so is the the foods and drinks.

Arniaty Lafifa (22/04/2017 07:10)
they put me in the waiting bay too long, they said 5-10 mins, turned out more than 15. happened 2 times when I was trying to grab a breakfast on my way to work.

Asyep Syam (20/04/2017 03:17)
The food is standard. Your typical McDonald's taste. Coffee tastes awful it almost feels like drinking water. Good news is this place is really comfy and has a decent wifi.There's also a small playing ground for kids to play. The staffs are nice and helpful, too.

rahadian bayu (16/03/2017 03:16)
location not really good. .. small parking area....has less variant of menu

Ridwan Banuarlie (22/02/2017 02:09)
love the kids meal package, fillet o fish burger and double cheese burger too. but the place is often over crowded. I think the management should consider opening other McDs in other part of serang.

Aldi Gozali (17/02/2017 13:54)
Full of people who don't really need a seat to eat

indah yuni (29/01/2017 23:03)
This place is always crowded with teenagers

Muhammad Wardhan Nurrizqillah (08/10/2016 06:34)
The food is standard. Your typical McDonald's taste. Coffee tastes awful it almost feels like drinking water. Good news is this place is really comfy and has a decent wifi.There's also a small playing ground for kids to play. The staffs are nice and helpful, too.

starcofan 667 (14/09/2016 06:53)
The place is comfortable ,nice and has a lot of options for the menu

titi yura putri (09/10/2016 10:59)
Biasa aja

Shabrina Gamergirl (14/09/2016 06:53)
The place is comfortable ,nice and has a lot of options for the menu

Muhammad Asyep Syam'aeni (20/08/2016 07:11)
Enak buat nongkrong

Yogi Gie hok (07/08/2016 13:23)
The only one mcd in town

Rahmat fagundez (28/07/2016 10:15)
You can get you breakfast, or meals here

Afifah Muminah (14/11/2015 05:07)
The only 24 hours resto in Serang. A good place to stop by. It also has prayer room, it is decent and clean.

yusep hermawan (30/06/2015 22:21) thru..nyosss

Tempat Lainnya :

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    Jalan Jend. Sudirman No. 14, Ciceri, Sumurpecung, Kec. Serang, Kota Serang, Banten 42118, Indonesia
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    Jalan Sa Tirtayasa No.25, 7, Cimuncang, Serang, Kecamatan Serang, Cimuncang, Kec. Serang, Kota Serang, Banten 42112, Indonesia
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    Mall of Serang GF #G.19, Jl. Raya Serang Timur, Cipocok Jaya, Panancangan, Serang, Banten, 42124, Indonesia
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    Jalan K.H. Sulaeman No. 33A, Blok Kelapa Dua, Kagungan, Kec. Serang, Kota Serang, Banten 42112, Indonesia
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