Komentar :
Bambang Sutardiyanto (23/03/2018 04:39)
Ada makam ulama Syeikh Abdurrohim Al Mishri
Tuti Aminah (21/03/2018 12:06)
The big mosque that is available for 500 people do Shalat / Praying here. The architecture is unique. With 4 main pillars in the center of the mosque.
Noe Groho (14/01/2018 05:02)
Masjidnya luas. Nyaman buat ibadah. Parkirnya juga mencukupi.
Djoko Purwanto (27/04/2017 05:28)
strategic location on busy main road
dedy kurniawan (25/01/2017 05:29)
deffan lg ngpn ya ?