Komentar :
Celine Wahyudi (01/06/2018 04:01)
Very long time to make payment. And receipt can't come out. There is 50% discount on next receipt.
bayu akbar (10/05/2018 04:54)
The food is tasty enough, but serve in small portion each...
Gjrot Gjrot (28/04/2018 10:48)
i think all of the crew in this place were having such a bad day, bad salary, and bad pressure from the boss, there's no dedication and hospitality from all the crew that served my table, i don't care what what their problems, anyone can have their own problem right? it just wrong if their problem appears in their faces while they're serving..i mean it's serving! you need a smile to serve the customers right? if you can't smile then dont work to serve.
Citra Afriani (27/11/2017 04:36)
expensive. it took along time for them to cook (almost hungry to death). the services/waitress was like a robot. they dont say hi to you and they dont thank you like the other restaurants. the rice and their sambal is not free:'( there's a tea plate under the tea container so if you take your tea it cannot be as full as you want. i prefer the Kemang outlet.
kodja franco (12/11/2017 11:49)
Quite a small place compared to other D'Cost outlets. The interior looks gloomy. The food is average standard. And they here serve more sambal choices (but now sambal is not free)