Komentar :
himawan d' mbambesh (12/05/2018 08:17)
Cukup lengkap... Harga agak di atas rata2
Kemas Umar (04/05/2018 03:20)
Good place one stop shopping
Yan Alamsyah (28/04/2018 12:31)
The only one in Serang
And the only one among Cilegon - Serang
Cukup nyaman dan memadai :)
Good job.
Ayu Nilamsari (11/04/2018 06:57)
Tempatnya cukup lengkap. Parkir luas, ada ATM Center, toilet bersih. Minus jalanan di depan Artha Building rusak parah.
Wiwit Sulistiawati (25/03/2018 14:33)
If you look for one stop place to shop for your building needs...you've come to the right place😉
Erdwin Gilang (12/01/2018 08:27)
one stop shopping for building material, you can find almost anything in here. but the price is little bit more expensive than other place, but it pays off since you dont have to go to severalplaces to get all the things you need
Boris Razrushitel' (05/12/2017 12:13)
im surprised by rest zone on entrance, good job artha jaya
Erviana Restya (04/09/2017 12:37)
Second floor is too hot/no aircon? Also needs better toilet facility
bayu pra (18/12/2017 07:13)
its nice concept of store
Rangga Hendrawan (12/12/2017 16:50)
Good place..
N S (02/09/2017 17:12)
Sebenernya bagus.... Tp karyawannya banyak yg gak ngerti spesifikasi barang yg dijual, terutama produk elektronik... Asal jawab... Padahal saya perlu detail yg bener2 agar sesuai dgn alokasi kelistrikan dirumah...
ROBI RAMLI (26/08/2017 11:54)
pelayanan yg ramah dan profesional , utk kebutuhan bahan bangunan s/d finishing cukup ONE STOP SHOPING .
harga sesuai dengan kwalitas barang , delivery on time .
sy puas dgn layanan ARTHA BANGUNAN .👍👍👍👍👍⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Akmal 2017 (30/05/2017 03:49)
Good place
nank maulana (11/03/2017 09:46)
building material store were quite comfortable and complete at Serang, Banten