Komentar :
Jessica Lee (29/08/2018 11:06)
+ Tasty Chinese Food.
+ Reasonable price.
- The only problem about this place is the fact that last time I ordered from here via go-food, instead of putting my capjay into proper packaging (1 liter plastic bag you use to pack sugar or soup), they use "plastik kresek" (clear plastic bag you use to throw garbage or wrap indomaret goodies).
The plastic bag, obviously, kinda melt due to to the heat from the capjay. I know I won't probably die because of it, but it's a major turn-off.
Syaifur R (03/07/2018 02:58)
Good enough
Bang Dulla (25/06/2018 21:10)
Somewhat romantic with a lot of meal options and with outdoor seating too.
Fildzah Amalia Putri H. (17/04/2018 06:11)
I was there at 8 and it looked like the resto about to close (which they said they were not about to close). I think the place is under construction so the venue wasn't really nice. I ordered a kwetiaw kuah and it was a BOMB! Very tasty and I love it. Might be the best chinese food om town.
tidurlagi lamonius (17/05/2017 11:12)
Nasi ayam Chinese-nya top
Dullatep (25/06/2018 21:10)
Somewhat romantic with a lot of meal options and with outdoor seating too.
Syaifur Rahman (03/07/2018 02:58)
Good enough
Zaini Art (25/06/2018 21:10)
Somewhat romantic with a lot of meal options and with outdoor seating too.
sufi clouds (22/04/2018 03:56)
Tempatnya strategis, rasanya lumayan. Harga bersahabat.
Nasiruddin El-hasani (17/01/2018 06:07)
Tempat enak untuk makan makan
Zevania Vee (06/09/2017 16:28)
Nasi goreng seafood 🦀🍴
Siti Aisyah (31/08/2017 09:40)
Enak dan murah meriah serta lemgkap menunya
Andry Gunawan (14/07/2017 00:39)
Bad service
Yasin Ican (07/09/2017 04:16)
Tempatnya strategis bisa melihat lalu lintas
Jufri Ahmad (30/05/2017 07:44)
sinarbaru baru (29/03/2017 01:22)
Liem Boediarto Sanjaya (12/10/2016 08:26)
Tempatnya luas, lingkungan bersih, cukup nyaman