Komentar :
bogie laksono (02/06/2018 09:53)
Located on 2nd floor, cafe that serve beverages, foods and snacks. A place to meet up and hangout with friends. Many youngster as a customer. Easy to access but parking area is too small. Too high price for standard serving and taste. The table is too close to each other so it's seems like narrow place and it is so noise for me, but for some locals it's fancy.
Robbi Sugara (26/01/2018 14:21)
Nice place
Husein Alaydrus (25/10/2017 05:03)
Lutfi R Ardiyan (10/05/2017 12:08)
Nice place, instagram-able. The beverages is good. Food is Ok. Noisy
Dony Ariesanto (30/12/2016 13:39)
Cozy place in Pamekasan
Rey Constantine (07/08/2016 15:02)
I think there is a one of good coffee place in pamekasan city
Bukhari Manaf (31/08/2017 12:42)
Tempat trendy bagi anak muda. Minusnya, daftar menu tidak diantarkan ke meja pengunjung. Semua order pesanan di meja kasir. Menyulitkan pengunjung yang datang dengan rombongan.
Faisal Rahman (03/07/2017 23:14)
Tempat untuk santai keren bngt....dan tiap hari Sabtu malam ada live musik akustik.....
Robbi Sugaril (07/03/2017 13:39)
Ntuk sebuah kota kecil seperti pamekasan.....lumayan asyik buat nyantai apalagi jumat malam dgn live music x....
Abdan Syakura (22/01/2017 15:35)
Ada live music
zaini Ârt (19/10/2016 13:54)
Tempat yg cukup nyaman untuk bersantai, menu minuman sangat variatif. Makanan terbatas pada bakery dan snack.