Direktori Lokasi di Indonesia


Pamekasan, Jawa Timur
Klasifikasi: Toko, Restaurant, Cafe, Bakery, dan Bar
Alamat: Jl. Pintu Gerbang No.123, Kramat, Bugih, Kec. Pamekasan, Kabupaten Pamekasan, Jawa Timur 69317, Indonesia
Rating: 3.00
Telp: +62 324 327231
Jam Operasional:
Monday: 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM
Tuesday: 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM
Wednesday: 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM
Thursday: 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM
Friday: 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM
Saturday: 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM
Sunday: Closed

Komentar :

Sendi (05/12/2019 12:52)

Icha H (13/05/2019 11:19)
No judgement but next I ll say everything that I knew about this place, the weakness : no soap at wastafle, slow order (we ve reservation for about 2 days but they did like we never reservation before, it's totally bad for service), and the menu too expensive for students, it's turned out the cozy environment doesn't work at all. We all dissatisfied.

Naafi 娜飞 (02/03/2019 15:19)
This is the coziest place in Pamekasan,Madura.. The price of the menu is reasonable. They have a lot of variant of foods and beverages. It has toilets, little space for muslim people pray, second floor,stage for perform,and also their waiters is very polite. Nearest place from gasoline.

arifin waluya (28/09/2018 22:33)
Please .. if you hav any ocasion personal order is recomanded rather than all you can eat

Fildzah Amalia Putri H. (17/04/2018 06:08)
The place is nice. But I ordered a Bakmie Seafood which cost 25.000 and it made of the regular instant noodle. Its so overprice. But the beverage is good. The meeting room is overprice too. :((

Mastoyyib Mohammad (12/04/2019 11:14)
Romantic place

fia abdusatar (23/09/2018 09:47)
an excellent restaurant for having quality time

Siswoo Siswadi (25/05/2018 04:12)
Good food

Fendi Gigas (20/03/2018 04:16)

Anton Budiharjo (27/12/2017 18:18)

Riyadatul (26/11/2017 12:24)
This a great place..

sugihartono dancpm (18/07/2017 00:49)
Nice place to family and group dinner or hangout

Lutfi R Ardiyan (10/11/2016 12:56)
Big place & comfy but serving cold food & super sweet beverages 😅

Nia crlina (04/09/2017 00:24)
Makan di Cafe almuna Bener Bener ketagihan apalagi sekarang ada menu kepiting saos cumi hemmmm mantap broo ayuk dicoba sana...dijamin deh.

maghfira agustin (03/08/2017 00:54)
Do not expecting a local delicacy here

Edi Sugiarto (18/07/2017 00:34)

Citra Dewi (03/06/2017 15:56)
Tempat ini sangat indah dan nyaman.. Selain itu romantis lagi... Cocok bnget buat ngumpul makan bareng sma teman atau kluarga.

Holik Marsuki (09/03/2017 12:01)
Milik tetangga

agus wahyudi (27/02/2017 13:53)
Tempatnya lumayan enak buat nongkrong dan melepas lelah setelah seharian bekerja

Febris Salam (27/01/2017 09:12)
Sayang ga ada tahu isinyaa 😑

Nonot Tri Waluyo (23/01/2017 10:16)
Minggu malam, 22 Januari 2017 mampir karena penasaran saja. Tempat sih nyaman dan asik mungkin yg terbaik di Pamekasan (teringat di Warung lesehan Yogyakarta di Lembah Dieng Malang)

Saran : Buat menu yang lebih spesial dan semoga pelayannya bisa lebih sopan. Masak banyak tamu pelayan2nya joget2, tertawa2 sambil nirukan nyanyi lagu2 yg sedang diputar. Ada juga yg action nyanyi2 pakai gitar sapu sambil lari kesana kemari...

Abdur Rouf (02/11/2016 07:55)
Ada restoran dan cafe pas di belakang minimarketnya.

Tempat Lainnya :

  1. Jalan Dirgahayu
    Jl. Dirgahayu, Bugih, Kec. Pamekasan, Kabupaten Pamekasan, Jawa Timur 69317, Indonesia
  2. Stockist K-Link Pamekasan
    JL. Raya Nyalaran, No. 186A, Pamengkasan, Kowel, Madura, Kabupaten Pamekasan, Jawa Timur 17111, Indonesia
    Telp: +62 852-3025-3530
  3. Toko Karya Indah
    Jl. Pintu Gerbang No.65, Bugih, Kec. Pamekasan, Kabupaten Pamekasan, Jawa Timur 69317, Indonesia
    Telp: +62 324 321066
  4. Alfin Cell 2
    Jl. Pintu Gerbang No.88, Bugih, Kec. Pamekasan, Kabupaten Pamekasan, Jawa Timur 69317, Indonesia
  5. Toko Sahabat
    Jl. Pintu Gerbang No.67A, Bugih, Kec. Pamekasan, Kabupaten Pamekasan, Jawa Timur 69317, Indonesia
    Telp: +62 324 7704623
  6. Bengkel Sejahtera Motor
    Astah, Bugih, Pamekasan Sub-District, Pamekasan Regency, East Java 69317, Indonesia
    Telp: +62 819-3937-0090
  7. Daniya Collection
    Jl. Pintu Gerbang No.102, Astah, Bugih, Kec. Pamekasan, Kabupaten Pamekasan, Jawa Timur 69317, Indonesia
    Telp: +62 819-4585-2143
  8. Teri Crispy
    Jl. Pintu Gerbang No.139, Kramat, Bugih, Kec. Pamekasan, Kabupaten Pamekasan, Jawa Timur 69317, Indonesia
    Telp: +62 878-5046-6946
  9. Toko Gajahmada
    Jl. Dirgahayu, Bugih, Kec. Pamekasan, Kabupaten Pamekasan, Jawa Timur 69317, Indonesia
    Telp: +62 324 61384
  10. H B Motor
    Jl. Pintu Gerbang No.55, Sumur Putih, Bugih, Kec. Pamekasan, Kabupaten Pamekasan, Jawa Timur 69317, Indonesia
    Telp: +62 324 323981
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