Komentar :
Annette Horschmann (30/05/2018 09:02)
The cleanest and shadiest beach on Samosir.
She Lae (13/04/2018 11:25)
Great beach...
Shreyas Menon (06/04/2018 12:27)
Its a beach on an island in a lake in a caldera ... confused yet ?
Johanes Jenito (30/03/2018 15:57)
A shoreline through Toba Lake of North Sumatera.
Karl Tilbury (10/12/2017 15:17)
Small beach off the main road accessable by a steep ramp. Beach is fairly small but clean and generally quiet. Parking is 2000 per bike and otherwise isn't generally accessable otherwise. Three small shops, one selling drinks that are not cold, noodles and sweet snacks. A second selling T-shirts and a third that seems to sell coffee. Nice place to go for a swim or just sit in the sand and rest from driving around the island.
Jordan Bryant (15/05/2017 20:13)
Sneaky nice beach! 2,000 rupees to park then you've got the beach to yourselves. Ideally spot for a swim as it gets deep gradually rather than wharfs that you get in Tuk Tuk.
An awesome spot directly behind the beach for panoramic views too.
Marc Naether (01/08/2016 10:27)
The beach is ok but nothing special. There is a beach bar that has a small offer of cold drinks and instant noodles. There is a 2000Rp fee for parking.
Krisna Murti (18/11/2017 04:14)
Tempat nya cukup bagus. Dan ramah.
Yohana Marpaung (22/06/2017 15:03)
Pantai yang menarik karena pemandangannya bagus dan ada bebatuan di pinggir pantai. Di pantai ini juga ada fasilitas warung makan, toilet umum, permainan air, dan tenda-tenda tempat beristirahat.
Robin de Bruin (17/06/2017 16:24)
Laid back place for a short visit.
Dwi Handoko (03/02/2017 10:36)
Tempat yg sangat bagus untuk berlibur. Sungguh pemandangan yg sangat indah. Serpihan surga ada disini
Febroni Simbolon (13/01/2017 11:51)
Pengelolaan kurang baik. Kelebihannya dekat akses ke jalan raya
Ashari Deswara (02/01/2017 07:43)
Setengah jam perjalanan dari pelabuhan Tomok, jika via parapat.
Bisa melihat keindahan pulau Sumatera dari sisi yang berbeda
Ade Roy Siagian (01/07/2016 07:40)
Clean and beautiful
amor six billionire (07/07/2016 09:24)
Tempat yg indah di alam samosir