Komentar :
atan jey (03/04/2018 16:53)
pemandangan yg menarik danau toba dalam perjalanan dari parapat ke berastagi
Ariel Martinez (29/03/2018 16:19)
A good place to take photo of Lake Toba, they created a platform so you can take a picture of you amwith a good vantage view of the lake.
Rahmita Wirza (31/01/2018 00:44)
The view is so beautiful.
ignatius gayuh (23/01/2018 10:34)
Nice view for toba.. there is toilet (which is rare) near the spot.. but thats all, no other attraction there..
Verry Judo (14/01/2018 03:46)
Viewnya ok
Benedikt Mayer (27/11/2017 04:37)
Great view on lake toba!
Adi2577 Laoly (02/10/2017 13:20)
Pemandangan yg indah...
Suhairi Tambunan (08/09/2017 06:53)
Sangat menarik dan banyak even selfi dengan latar belakang pemandangan yang menakjubkan
Junaidi Juned (07/09/2017 05:47)
Untuk berfoto ria cukup bahus
Irwan Darmawan (27/08/2017 02:23)
Akses jalan kurang bagus
Arif Hardiyanto (06/08/2017 01:31)
Great place to see toba lake
Adam Gedoy (31/07/2017 01:46)
Pemandangannya wahhhhhhhhhhh....