Komentar :
Benny Mamora (10/05/2017 13:48)
Delicious Barracuda, great sambal terasi, tasty Bandar coffee, plus relaxing Java bossanova music
Benedikt B (16/02/2017 03:06)
Good location, nice style and awesome food! Beware of the moskitos
Edo Lorian (30/10/2016 06:55)
Love the foods
Angela Arunarsirakul (06/05/2016 12:25)
Delicious food with good portions! barracuda goreng, tuna bakar, cap cay, sambal barbecue - enak! Great restaurant setting, nice decor!
Nick Kuipers (06/05/2016 12:23)
Excellent tuna. Fabulous cap cay. Bodacious barracuda.
The thought running through my head when I walked into Khase Pacitan: "I don't know what I like more, the ambiance or the decor."
Ulung Mi4i (01/09/2016 15:35)
Ingget aq.mbak yg jual baek bgt.pernah sm ank eh ngompol gt.gpp,trus d bersihin.d suruh pindah ajah dl trus d ksh pampers gratis.hehehe..
Fahmi Kafabih (08/11/2016 14:59)
Yudiabie Aja (22/06/2016 13:38)
Inilah tempat untuk Reunian ips1 SMA N Punung angkatan 2009.
Kita sudah berpisah 7 th.. semoga acaranya sukses PACITAN 03/07/2016
Eko Setiawan (01/03/2016 11:30)
Tempat nongkrong anak gaul Pacitan