Komentar :
bayu seiganta (27/10/2020 10:19)
Mukhlisin (03/07/2020 14:12)
Dheddie Twister (23/05/2020 08:52)
Rizky Aditya Pratama (17/03/2020 19:29)
Mahendra Adhi Purwanta (15/03/2020 02:03)
Shopping mall at baturaja, at least they have cinema here
Sigit Sarwanto (02/03/2020 14:14)
The one and only shopping center in town!
Marsela Vianita (26/12/2019 06:47)
Nice place
Putra weegy77 (05/10/2019 04:29)
HM. P4154L (26/08/2019 03:06)
RED LIPS OFFICIAL (14/07/2019 00:18)
Modern place to find a lot of stuffs
nicholas aprilie (29/05/2019 07:51)
Long queue but no additional cashier opened.
Adam Althusius (29/06/2017 05:05)
The only mall in Baturaja that has cinema (4 theatres with recent movies). One of escape places, serves you many tenants such as play ground, baverages, supermarket; but lil bit pricey though.
Fero Al (27/07/2019 16:40)
Ali Ganteng (02/06/2019 19:33)
Lisa Natalia (18/05/2019 11:27)
dinno mulyono (19/04/2019 14:16)
Nice mall in Baturaja
Fernando GomuLya (29/08/2018 15:50)
Good place to hang out
Devianto Saputro (07/08/2018 08:53)
Nice place
Ikhsan Nasir (21/06/2018 07:32)
aulia khair (15/06/2017 08:43)
Cinema not opened yet. The only one supermarket in Baturaja.
Irwan Niki (11/02/2017 14:19)
memories have been made in this place and these memories will never go back
Damn i miss that moment ...
Marisa EP (24/11/2016 22:40)
The hypermart was good but not really about the other
Ponco Saputra (16/08/2016 06:44)
Alamat city mall apo ee
erwin ardiansyah (22/12/2016 14:02)
Not bad
erwin fatonie (21/12/2016 18:08)
larger one stop shopping in baturaja
Marisa Eka Putri (24/11/2016 22:40)
The hypermart was good but not really about the other
Rbk muhammad syakirin edo (29/10/2016 03:47)
Merupakan Mall terbesar dan termegah saat ini di Kota Baturaja dan OKU Raya Khususnya
Bunda NINA (23/10/2016 10:41)
Stay Cooperated With Me ADDALOKER Job Vacancy Site
Rizal Baturaja (04/10/2016 13:09)
Belum buka bro....
Nata Sifa (27/07/2016 02:52)
Muhammad bayu Arrasya Abdullah (10/06/2016 15:27)
jelek banget citimall kecil bngt.... pasti nanti org dusun semua yg dateng...
rifqi pardera (03/06/2016 20:43)
kapan ada lokernya?
Azka Alfaidil (19/01/2016 02:48)
pengen banget kerja di citimall, cari-cari info mengenai lamaran tapi belum ketemu.
katanya lounching bulan 6 nanti, lokernya udah buka belum? tolong dikabari dong, atau di publish.