Komentar :
Irfan Saparudin (04/11/2020 02:18)
Doc, if we want to pull out our teeth, we think how much it costs, doc
Aisah Sriutami (17/10/2020 04:00)
I already patched my front teeth twice ... good results, thanks doc????
Isna Sasmita (28/08/2020 07:50)
Friendly and professional doctor ????
Yoga Wibowo (25/03/2020 06:42)
Untuk bersihkan Karang Gigi rahang atas dan bawah biayanya brapa Dok ?
Zulham Effendy (07/11/2019 15:47)
Anda butuh gigi bagus
Yonathan Hartono (29/03/2018 09:11)
Heru Purwito (12/02/2018 01:17)
Dari kecil sampe mau punya anak periksanya kesini 😁
Mirdani Sobri (04/11/2017 10:57)
Dokter senior.