Komentar :
Maryo Imay (10/05/2018 03:33)
A symbol of dayaknese tribe, as a remainder that borneo is a land of a green culture, the hornbill or in here they called it "burung enggang" is a legendary bird species that dayaknese people highly respect because it brought mystical sense to the old folk of this tribe, is some sort of ancient creature of their tribe, so this place created to remember that, also it's a good place to bring your family to take photos here, so please come here if you have the time here in Bulungan, North Borneo. We will welcome you.
Sahara Yahya (18/03/2018 08:25)
Bagus.. burungnya tambah banyak
Heber Nego (22/02/2018 14:32)
Lumayan bersih
Jemi Karto Malota (22/10/2017 12:41)
sangat bagus
M. Hardian Noor (17/09/2017 05:54)
Cukup bagus, asri, dan tenang namun toilet umum nya kadang terkunci, sarana permainan anak perlu diperbanyak
Endang Heryadi (14/04/2017 07:05)
Untuk bersantai, menenangkan otak dari kegiatan pekerjaan dan hiruk pikuk keramaian kota tanjung selor, sambil menikmati hijaunya pepohonan dan semilir angin yang menembus kulit.
Jemi Karto (22/10/2017 12:41)
sangat bagus
sutrisman man (13/07/2017 04:48)
Ya bagus si kira" begitu
mohammad bagus sasmita (08/07/2017 01:26)
Bagus, dekat dgn pusat kota
fathur rahman (18/06/2017 15:11)
Keren ni
Faisol Pito (06/05/2017 10:15)