Komentar :
Memselli M (22/05/2018 12:56)
The foods are delicious especially the various nasi lalapans. The spicy sweet sambal (I would prefer for the sambal to be less sweet however) that accompanies the dish makes all the difference.
Sup tulang is also very tasty. Highly recommended restaurant to break the journey to or from kota kinabalu.
Dady Qairuna (02/03/2018 01:31)
Best MEE KOLOK and TEH TARIK in town
khairule anwar (14/10/2017 05:43)
Good place
Toloy Keripin Munsang (09/07/2017 05:14)
Lalapan Ayam is a must try. Spicy sambal heaven.
Awangku Ade Osmera (03/04/2017 11:43)
Good Food, Good Mood
ade osmera (03/04/2017 11:43)
Good Food, Good Mood