Komentar :
Bella Widya (27/05/2018 07:32)
Comfortable place. Tempat nya enak nyaman, dan instagramable sekali untuk foto foto. Dan juga harganya makanannya murah dan enak.
Raphael Aaron Linn (21/05/2018 17:02)
A lot of choices of menu. Nice food also
Nungky Surya (14/05/2018 16:57)
This place is good for hanging out with your friends, and there are lot of aesthetic spot for you to take some photos
Anik Anugrah (09/05/2018 14:04)
It's a cozy place, there's a live music every satnite
galuh sulistyaning (21/04/2018 07:50)
Goid food, good place and good music. Love it!!!
Uun Nurdiansyah (13/04/2018 05:21)
A pleasant place for hanging out with family or friends
Mada Mahatma (09/04/2018 06:07)
Cozy place, cheap food but the taste is not cheap!
Yunari Kusumaningrum (15/03/2018 08:51)
Good food,poor service
Er Ma (23/02/2018 12:24)
It's good resto
Setiawan Bobby (17/01/2018 09:05)
Nice place to spent the time with family either friends
najib nugroho (06/09/2017 04:39)
Best Lounge in Ngawi
Lower and average price for some F&B
AC room for non smoker with good view to the outside
Best place to hang out with family as well as a good place to dine in
F&B quality : average, some are not really good in taste
Isnaini Iman (02/06/2017 06:46)
Tempatnya nyaman
aulia nugraha bhakti (20/05/2017 11:13)
Good place for dinner
Nova Poo Lina (07/02/2017 02:29)
Lahan parkir cukup luas, tapi sepertinya harus diperluas lg suatu saat karena kafenya mulai rame. Pelayanan ramah dan ga selalu diikuti pegawai kemanapun melangkah, barang2nya up to date, harga oke banget, nyaman.
budi kizz (27/12/2016 07:46)
Koleksinya cukup lengkap dan up to date..
haidar ali amirruddin (15/12/2016 13:48)
Koleksi nya lengkap dan harga lebih murah dari butik yang lainnya
Birama Robby Indraprasta (03/05/2016 07:40)