Komentar :
Andra Tisna (15/05/2018 19:58)
The bestππ no 1π....
Siti N. Wahidah (02/08/2017 04:39)
My junior high school. One of the best junior high school in ponorogo regency.
I had been in E class from 7th grade till 9th grade, so it was 7E, 8E, 9E π FYI the classes didn't distributed according to your scores so since I was in class E for 3 whole years didn't mean I was that stupid π
indah dewi (09/08/2016 06:37)
Best school
Rendra Budi Hutama (24/07/2016 19:25)
My Sister school. One of favorite Junior High School in Ponorogo.
Nastiti Brilliani (14/07/2016 03:10)
Love this school so much
arisigit nurcahyo (29/02/2016 10:56)
SMP Favorite
Pretty good, its also nice polite and Good teachers, friendly, so students are not difficult to understand. !
but on the other hand also need handling, such as teachers who LOOKS LOW STUDENTS
Ani Lestarini (13/01/2016 13:41)
best school
Risky 044 (25/10/2016 01:18)
Dedy Prastyo (22/08/2016 14:15)
Sekolah gue dulu..
Dhimas Dhimas (14/08/2016 03:53)
Habib Nur Fahmi (24/07/2015 08:13)
amazing school.