Komentar :
Adjie Rosyidin (28/05/2018 02:44)
Sekolah ku dulu 😍😍😍
Shinta Negara (08/05/2018 12:13)
Sekolahnya temen
Sinyo Fery (04/05/2018 14:25)
I'm alumnus from this school. This vocational high school have many good, friendly, kind, humble teacher where they have good skills to help their students to achieve major skills.
Arif Askhanuddin (16/02/2018 18:36)
Semoga di gedung ini lahirlah pemimpin bangsa, menjadi teladan yang baik untuk agama, nusa dan bangsanya, yang sudah terlibat dalam membangun gedung ini baik berupa tenaga, waktu, kesempatan, pikiran. Dana dicatat sebagai amal jariah serta amal ibadahnya diterima. Aamiin
arfianita regina (10/02/2018 09:55)
Sekolah rujukan untuk daerah sekitarnya
Fav_jr 97 (30/12/2016 02:30)
kangen (adp.2015)
Vicky Aristya (12/11/2016 14:05)
Vicky Ari (11/06/2016 14:42)
Brow, nem gua cuma 29,15.
Bisa msk sini kg?
Gua msh dibogor
Putra Sawur (14/03/2017 03:28)
Wahyu Dewi (26/06/2016 13:12)
My school "Adm.Perkantoran 2016"
Bimo Saputro (14/04/2016 18:05)
Good System,Good Facility for students like a laptops and projector,almost complete library collection,but the wifi is sh*t,its cannot do anything slow connection for the students,i think facility must be add/increase like Air Conditioner for classroom and Teacher Room and fix some air conditioner broken not working like in TEI's laboratorary,some laptop and computer its old spec,must be upgrade newer version hardware and operating system,internet connection must not be monopoly with some teachers,its unfair,thanks (last visit gradulate in 2014)
Xperia J (01/06/2015 08:48)
Teknik Elektronika Industri "TEI" 2014