Komentar :
Yudha Fadil (10/02/2017 06:11)
Nice building. They have large open space. Spacious space for parking too.
They have large basket ball field, football field.
They even have wall climbing spot.
Too bad the restroom are below my standard. School facilities like chair and desk aren't that good too.
Andri STIKOM (22/12/2016 11:54)
aria kamandanu (23/11/2016 14:57)
Fajar Satria (04/09/2016 12:05)
Best of the best school
irmalistia alfiani (17/04/2015 02:48)
Andri Stikom (22/12/2016 11:54)
Syafrial Fadhillah (11/09/2016 00:26)
Oza Aulia Ramadhan (06/07/2016 13:29)
Sekolah gw oey
alief alif (24/04/2016 01:28)
Tambah mantep waee...joozzz..
Tofik Andra Widjaja (23/04/2016 13:49)
M. REFI APM (19/03/2016 06:04)
Sekolah impian saya
Nabilla Sabbaha (25/11/2015 14:22)
Sekolah favorit! Makin keren sekarang gedungnya. Rekomendasi deh buat yang pengen lanjut SMA Negeri di Ngawi. Persaingannya lumayan ketat, guru gurunya seru dan menyenangkan saat mengajar. Apalagi guru BK, mantep banget kalo ngasih arahan buat siswa kelas 3 buat lanjut ke universitas. Maju terus SMAN 2 Ngawi!