Komentar :
Gunawan Khang (03/06/2018 03:18)
Good place for a group. The menu and taste good.
F.J. Edhie Gunawan (29/05/2018 17:28)
Strategic location. Quick service. Reasonable price. Acceptable taste. Easy parking.
Ari Eko Prasethio (15/05/2018 18:31)
*this place is duplicate*
quick visit with eka bus from surabaya
✅ i am very helped here because there are oleh oleh store, i forget to buy some oleh oleh for my family
✅ many toilet available here
⛔️ i dont try the food, i dont buy just toilet
⛔️ toilet isnt so clean
vania (02/03/2018 13:07)
Open 24 hours. Great service, great price.
rockadiningrat jogjakarta (06/02/2018 13:16)
Stop point Safari Dharma Raya...Nice service..both the bus and the menu...
Cak AHen (01/02/2018 00:55)
A special stopover house for Eka bus passengers, although other people can also enjoy it. This stopover is special for directions from Surabaya to the west (Solo, Yogyakarta, Semarang) and there is a separate stopover restaurant for the opposite direction (to the east). The restaurant area is very spacious, including parking, meeting hall, musholla, and ample toilets. Cuisine is not too special, sometimes even served in a cold state, not all the tables provide tissue, the waitresses serve guests without smiling and without the impression.
Albert Edwillian Pratomo (01/01/2018 16:06)
Good food! Recommended!
Glenn Adhi Ekaputra (29/12/2017 00:16)
The BEST restaurant in the Ngawi, Madiun and Magetan area.
Alfito NS (16/07/2017 07:59)
Good place to eat and pray for Muslims
Wiecliff Sumbayak (25/12/2017 22:40)
good rest area, with good parking area
Naily ulya (16/09/2017 21:26)
The place is good, but the toilet is terrific
Mukhsinul Akhlaq (14/08/2017 11:05)
Good food, and very clean toilet
Galih Jati (17/07/2017 00:11)
Just a place for a quick bite
Alfito Naufal Syandana (16/07/2017 07:59)
Good place to eat and pray for Muslims
Ahmad Thoriq (10/07/2017 22:24)
A lot of good taste menus we can choose at low cost :)
Lufthans Arstipendy (10/07/2017 07:10)
Free menu for Eka user from or to Surabaya city. Not really have a good taste but it is enough for traveller.
Teguh Sukmo Prayitno (04/06/2017 00:04)
Big resto and wide parkinh
Aloysius Daryanto (02/06/2017 18:05)
Tempat mampir ketika naik Bus Eka..:d
Donny Winardi (29/05/2017 00:54)
friendly staffs, food is actually pretty good for the price. Recommended to take a break during long journey. Forgot to add they have clean bathrooms
Fitrianto Nugroho (08/05/2017 03:43)
Not recomended
Dedi Nurohman (03/05/2017 08:54)
24 hours service, free wifi and large area
Fory Prasetyo (28/03/2017 20:15)
- Fasilitas lengkap (mini market, toilet, musholla)
- Toilet bersih
- Terkadang salah dalam menyajikan menu makanan
Denci Latumaerissa (27/03/2017 21:50)
Rumah Makan duta adalah tempat istirahat/pemberhentian sementara bus eka dari sby-jogja atau sebaliknya.
Untuk menu makananya cukup enak. Karena ini adalah salah satu fasilitas yg diberikan oleh pihak bus.
Nah menu favorit pilihan sy adalah nasi rawon. Karena selain cukup enak, nasi rawon duta juga cukup mengenyangkan dg porsi standart dan potongan daging yg tebal.
Sedangkan utk menu lain, sy belum pernah mencoba.
Werkudarane Kikyo (23/03/2017 10:39)
Transit buat makan bus Eka Patas dan Harapan Jaya.. Menunya klo yg harapan ya kadang ok kadang lumayan penunda lapar hehe.. Klo dulu Eka mantabs ayam bakarnya 😋
Harun Al Rasyid Ramadhany (15/03/2017 03:41)
Saya makan di sini karena fasilitas pelayanan makan dari bis Harapan Jaya jurusan Jakarta - Blitar. Kelas executive dapat makan nasi makam, lalu subuhnya tiket snack dapat ditukar untuk makan nasi lagi.
Rumah Makan Duta cukup luas, fasilitas WC, Musholla, TV, 24 jam, jajanan oleh2, dll.
bambang budiharso (14/03/2017 04:08)
Rumah makan di daerah Ngawi, Jawa Timur. Merupakan lokasi istirahat untuk kru dan penumpang bus EKA CEPAT jurusan Surabaya -Solo, Yogyakarta, Magelang dan Cilacap. Menu andalannya adalah rawon, ayam bakar dan soto.
Choirul Anwar (10/01/2017 20:01)
Sya suka rm duta tmpt'y brsh plyanan'y bagus N Mkanan'y jga enk cocok dgn ldh org jatim
ferry smart (23/12/2016 04:50)
lumayan bagus
Rochmad Sholikin (11/12/2016 02:43)
Rest area nya po EKA.. dari Surabaya ke arah barat