Komentar :
Ari Eko Prasethio (15/05/2018 18:33)
quick visit with eka bus from surabaya
✅ i am very helped here because there are oleh oleh store, i forget to buy some oleh oleh for my family
✅ many toilet available here
⛔️ i dont try the food, i dont buy just toilet
⛔️ toilet isnt so clean
Naning Dwi Ariyanti (24/04/2018 05:32)
Menu lengkap, tempat luas....kebersihan perlu ditingkatkan lg.
Agung Putra (09/04/2018 13:40)
Rest area u bus OBL safari dharma raya, penumpang bisa istirahat makan included kupon tiket, tersedia ATM, toko oleh oleh, dan toilet, serta mushola.
Ahmad Rosyidi (16/02/2018 12:36)
Enak sih mau nyampai mdn masa berhentinya di sini
Cak AHen (01/02/2018 00:55)
A special stopover house for Eka bus passengers, although other people can also enjoy it. This stopover is special for directions from Surabaya to the west (Solo, Yogyakarta, Semarang) and there is a separate stopover restaurant for the opposite direction (to the east). The restaurant area is very spacious, including parking, meeting hall, musholla, and ample toilets. Cuisine is not too special, sometimes even served in a cold state, not all the tables provide tissue, the waitresses serve guests without smiling and without the impression.
Pri Hinkap (05/10/2017 02:53)
Tahun 2009-2010, kalau naik bus EKA jurusan Surabaya - Jogja atau sebaliknya dapat kupon makan, dan pasti mampir ke sini untuk makan-minum sesuai pilihan yang tertera di kupon.
Rindang Lestari (17/10/2014 03:57)
I don't know the food coz I never try it. But the place is nice and big, it has own mini market that provide souvenirs and snacks and it serves kinds of fast food, too.
Maybe the toilets need to be cleaned regularly.
It's my opinion. Pls don't judge the restaurant based on my own review, but also read the others.
Robik Anwar Dani (05/12/2017 15:42)
Kadang makanannya gak fresh.
Zack Sawang (18/07/2017 12:08)
AA agung (12/07/2017 09:48)
Titikny tdk sesuai
Ditya Anggraeni Azizah Putri (27/06/2017 22:23)
Makannya lumayan enak, harga terjangkau,
Ibasbella Muhammadelbela (10/04/2017 07:01)
Pulang dari Surabaya naik bus eka dan makan malam di situ. Makanan nya sih enak tapi kamar mandi dan fasilitas kurang menjaga kebersihan
budisusilo dwi (13/03/2017 08:13)
Enak sekali
Gojek Driver (11/03/2017 01:21)
Bersih rapi
WisnuAgung 07 (17/12/2016 23:29)
Ada banyak bis
Adi Hartyanto (04/09/2014 15:04)
checkpoint e PO EKA
aris irwanto (13/11/2014 14:17)
Pendatang baru di kedunggalar
noto sumarto (21/11/2013 16:46)
Makan malam dulu