Komentar :
mahfud arianto (06/09/2020 04:22)
lengar lengor (24/07/2020 16:17)
EM (05/06/2020 14:22)
Good place to spend money ????
Rita Dwi (23/02/2020 07:44)
Aditya Khoirul Anam (11/02/2020 00:45)
Great place for shopping. Beware, the parking lot is usually full
Feni Permata (01/12/2019 00:21)
Good place
Asep Awaludin (16/08/2019 08:49)
Almost one stop shopping place
Bagus Budi Prasetyo W (07/06/2019 16:17)
A main store that can be make for took a many need of daily home needed. Had an playgame for kids
Alit Gumilang (27/05/2019 03:19)
Buy clothes, stationaries, and house hold product and many more
Sari Nurfiani (07/02/2019 00:58)
Affordable price for groceries. Best in town.
Eka Nuraini (07/01/2019 15:25)
A one-stop shopping place which sells daily basis needs. The place offers its customers a cheaper price than other places.
Riza Bagus Thobroni (18/07/2018 17:01)
went there for the Snake Day expo, the place is ridiculously huge! and then you realise there are more rooms!
had a good time and food was offered inside and outside, had a nice parking lot with a parking director so it didn't feel like you lost your car in a huge maze, rather they have smaller parking lots in groups. inside has a free area to hang your coats.
Fajar Aries Husyaini (07/05/2018 02:28)
salah satu tempat perbelanjaan di ponorogo yang kualitas dan harga yang merakyat
ikke wijaya (30/03/2018 15:50)
Love shopping here
Narti Paytren 6285202036541 (09/02/2018 09:33)
Happy shoping ....
Damian Donohue (10/11/2017 06:19)
Your grocery shop can be done with good price and helpful staff with other retailer in the same complex to make it a complete local shopping experience.
Suliantik Atmadja (09/10/2017 12:41)
Nice place for shopping. There is playground here.
weny junita (02/07/2017 11:44)
Very cheap.. But if u dont like to que, so pass this one.. Lit bit hot (i dont know they hv ac or not or its just too crowded so the weather is hot)
2nd floor is children playground..they still in a good condition
amri aulia rochman (08/12/2017 12:23)
tempanya meskipun kecil, punya barang barang yang lumayan lengkap dan murah tentunya
Lestari Ningsih (27/09/2017 10:19)
Ndag Ada tempat belanja yg bisa ngalahin murahnya produk di luwes. Jelas, jd pilihan toko toko buat kulakan 😆
Deksa Awang (08/09/2017 05:12)
Cheap, and good products..
Zulfa Az-Zakiyah (04/09/2017 04:01)
Ponorogo's first departmentstore
Sulis Tyaningsih (24/03/2017 11:34)
I could get everything what I wanted to
Andi Mahardika (05/02/2017 22:08)
Itsbat Husnul (16/01/2017 08:38)
Widiana Anisa (13/01/2017 11:17)
Super cheap for monthly grocery. The building need repaint, the walls are so dirty. When you come on early month, be patient if you got long line in cashier counter.
IAM Triple M (04/01/2017 07:35)
Shoping center in ponorogo
Rendra Budi Hutama (24/07/2016 18:27)
Shopping centre completed with playing zone. Very affordable price. The parking fare for motorcycle is very cheap too.
Muhammad luqmanul hakim (20/09/2016 04:55)
Barang murah-murah, lengkap, tapi antrian di kasir lama.
khasan cendana group (19/08/2016 03:41)
murah murah
Sakti Bimantara (31/05/2016 12:37)
Murah sih, tp kasirnya terlalu sedikit. Jd antrinya lebih lama
Yuyum Qhurowey (25/01/2016 15:52)
Wonderful place to shop and hang out with friend
Rama As-Subhi (06/12/2015 15:37)
Lumayan lengkap harga hemat