Komentar :
Nusaibah Masyfu'ah (25/04/2018 00:52)
Cozy place, good articles, nice food, and cheap price
Tomrockz Star (09/01/2018 00:24)
Great bookstore. One of the finest in Ponorogo. Belong to Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor
Tri Wahyudi (07/12/2017 10:14)
Exclusive modern supermarket, managed by the Gontor Islamic boarding school, clean, comfy, food court inside, super awesome
Red Raid (24/09/2017 11:14)
One stop complete store... wow nice
Ahmad Dzakwan (26/07/2017 06:42)
Being one of the biggest bookstore in Ponorogo, this place has so many books. From a novel to children's book, this place also offer very kind services.
afif merdeka jaya (05/07/2017 08:54)
It's very good for buying book, food, or sport maintenance
Adib Susilo (14/11/2017 04:42)
Nice place to family time
zunaidy rakhmad (24/09/2017 11:14)
One stop complete store... wow nice
ikke wijaya (21/09/2017 02:24)
A lot of good books here
Zulfa Az-Zakiyah (04/09/2017 03:49)
One of bookstore in Ponorogo with cozy place
Rendi Ferdiansyah (13/07/2017 11:21)
Anna Agung Wahid Kurniawan (26/05/2017 02:21)
Best shopping center in this city..
Pakpoh Heroe (05/05/2017 19:48)
Lumayan banyak koleksi bukunya
Zamzami Fakhrillah (29/04/2017 01:00)
The best and complete store in ponorogo
Khairul Anam (18/04/2017 02:14)
Clean but the restaurant and the drug store is in the same place so it is bit strange cause the smell of food mixed with drug smell.
Ilham Ian (25/02/2017 12:55)
Senang belanja disini, sambil beramal
Dresthia Yusuf Kalpika Wiratama (04/02/2017 09:27)
Semua buku agama dan non agama ada di sini
nurussholikhati budi A (31/12/2016 13:50)
tempat nyaman dan rata2 buku berdiskon :)
Nur HD (30/11/2016 12:06)
buku lengkap.. anda belanja, anda beramal...
Aditya Khoirul Anam (08/11/2016 23:04)
Kurang lengkap