Komentar :
marlia prasetyo (06/10/2020 01:42)
I am sorry, I just hope this hotel could improve their cleanliness, change their old cupboard, check the air conditioner, and the toilet.
Aristyanto Heri Trimawan (22/07/2020 00:32)
A so-so hotel to stay for a night. Nothing special about this hotel. Service was okay. Free wi-fi available, but its signal coverage wasn't reach my room. Door lock was broken. Closet door was broken too. Overall, it's a okay hotel for stay. One night only max I presume.
Fajar Ardianto (10/03/2020 08:15)
Good jobs
askhar asmoro (20/10/2019 15:49)
Close to the airport and you will be delivered to the airport for free
yohan kurniawan (18/09/2019 22:33)
Nice and clean Hotel
RA CLINIC BOGOR (01/10/2018 13:25)
Better hotel than the others. Clean enough for me and all fully functioning. But didnt like the bed, to springy for me.
Henny Khowijaya (25/06/2018 12:49)
Booked by my client, and nothing special. The room seems old, and dusty. The bathroom have no shower, but had hot water. For short term stay, its nice enough.
Sogols Sikey (19/01/2018 08:56)
Nice and "secure" place
GrizZOo Punisher (10/04/2019 14:08)
Isev Iskandar Muda (05/10/2018 02:21)
Regenerative Aesthetic Clinic (01/10/2018 13:25)
Better hotel than the others. Clean enough for me and all fully functioning. But didnt like the bed, to springy for me.
mustofa ofa (30/05/2018 23:27)
Jauh klo nyari makan
Thomas Fredy (10/01/2018 20:19)
Have a nice sleep
Tjahja Junindra (03/09/2017 12:27)
Location near several restaurants. Not very clean but its okay.
rudy soelaiman (12/07/2017 17:23)
Good hotel in Ngawi
andre adr (04/10/2016 22:20)
Nice to sleep
Rey Warmetan (22/10/2017 13:06)
Its ok. Cuma problem di kamar mandi nya saja, shower nya mati jadi kita harus pake ember + gayung kalau mau mandi. Butuh pembenahan juga, semoga kedepan lebih baik lagi.
Untuk yang lainnya seperti pelayanan dan kenyamanan cukup lah.
ki semar (29/06/2017 08:29)
Kamarnya bersih,harga terjangkau,lumayan utk transit
Kebersihan kamar mandi perlu diperbaiki...
Tapi selebihnya lumayan untuk hotel di ngawi
suci ramadhani (04/04/2017 23:32)
Ada AC ada led tv, ada sarapan pagi.. salah satu hotel yg bagus di Ngawi. Walaupun ada beberapa fasilitas yg rusak di kamar yg saya tempati seperti shower dan flush nya.. tapi worth it lah dgn harganya yg lumayan murah..
Ulyk Achda (29/03/2017 15:02)
Detail kebersihan kurang terjaga, dalam lemari kotor dan berjamur.. Selebihnya bagus..
muhammad agus setiabudi (02/03/2017 09:09)
Lebih bagus dari pada Sukowati...Cm kamar mandinya perlu di bersihin
viktoria morozova (29/01/2017 18:16)
Yang bagus..komar komfort..suka...semua
Kurniawan Kurniawan (07/01/2017 06:16)
Sempet mampir 1 malam bersama keluarga. Istrirahat perjalanan menuju malang.
mochammad besar iriyanto (12/05/2016 23:17)
New hotel
achmad wachid ruchiyanto (12/07/2016 22:57)
Kualitas pelayanan, kebersihan, menu makanan, dsb biasa saja...standart utk hotel d kota kecil, sekedar transit utk melepas lelah sudah cukup....
Eko Priono (11/07/2016 08:01)
Dgn harga 300rb dapat fasilitas 2bed ukuran 1.2x2, water heater,ac,tv lcd. Kamar cukup luas, dekat dengan parkiran, ada wifi juga tapi di dalam kamar sinyalnya pas2an, tersedia breakfast.
Jadi kalau ke ngawi, hotel inilah yg paling oke...
dicky jito Andrianto (18/06/2016 09:01)
Parkire panas
mekha el (12/04/2016 06:12)