Komentar :
Jawahirul maknun (29/11/2020 13:32)
a large place, many various needs are available. such as primary, secondary needs
Nika Esti (24/11/2020 01:18)
cheap wholesale and most comprehensive shopping center in the Nganjuk area. Affordable veggies always freesh a wide range of air conditioners as well as strictly comply with health protocols in this pandemic season
Binti mukanah (23/11/2020 02:41)
This shopping place is no stranger to the ears of the people of Nganjuk city, a strategic place in the middle of the city which is certainly comfortable and safe. The goods here are quite affordable, cheap and guaranteed to be safe and clean
Ana K. Nisak (22/10/2019 08:33)
Nice supermarket
muhammad zakaria (25/09/2019 04:05)
You can almost find everything in here. Even a girlfriend
Saiful Anam (05/06/2019 15:37)
Complete enough. But I think they need to train the front liner (SPG, cashier etc). Not responsive
Alviona Hermayanti (03/01/2019 07:20)
Parking spot is small.
Less hospitality.
A bit pricey n no discount for makeup counters.
gathot Seputro (23/12/2018 13:03)
Good price, good parking lot... nice supermarket..
Aan Prastya (14/03/2018 17:40)
Biggest supermarket in Nganjuk. Quite complete. Parking is easy as there is a dedicated area for car parking just across the store.
IIN IVANAWATI (22/06/2019 14:50)
Best deal ! Be there and prove it.
work aat (04/01/2019 11:11)
Compact and complete hypermarket in small city, good service, wide parking area,
Dinatika Leli Nur Hamida (13/11/2018 04:04)
Semua ada disini. Deket rumah lagi
Syaiful Achmad (19/10/2018 15:40)
Not much I could share because we just dropped by for few minutes. But suggestions are car parking is hardly available
Dimas Binta (02/06/2018 11:29)
Komplit dan murah
Dony Prasetyo (19/05/2018 04:01)
The largest department store in Nganjuk
Netty Wardany (07/05/2018 04:27)
totally like it very much,, good, complete and afordable place to shop
putut agung (06/05/2018 02:26)
Sumari Yono (22/04/2018 14:27)
Miko Wicaksono (07/04/2018 21:02)
zumrotul wakhidah (10/01/2018 01:18)
good place, rame
Olga agusvina (26/09/2017 13:12)
This store is the biggest store in nganjuk, you can find fresh vegetables and fruits, not really many kind but more than other.snack.household appliances and clothes.its not friendly for wheelchair, the parking area is not big enough.
Lila Sanusi (24/08/2017 09:17)
Important!!! You should check the bill before leaving!
zain anis (01/09/2017 07:57)
market modern
Mashur Saifudin (30/08/2017 06:49)
Good service
Rhisma karunia diantoro (11/07/2017 11:52)
Sering belanja d prima swalayan 😍.. Apakah membuka lowker ?
Fieta Ari (15/05/2017 15:29)
The only groceries place for monthly budget. Its cheap than other places. And i would be missed this place and the playground next to Prima.
Not only a mother/father who could do some windowshopping, but our child also could have spent their time by playing there.
Fajar Prabawa (06/05/2017 03:00)
Swalayan modern market besar satu satuya di kota ini, lumayan lengkap, ada 2 lantai.
Parkir motor di depan swalayan, parkir mobil jauh dan sayang nya tidak difasilitasi untuk yang bawa mobil drop off penumang dulu, jadi harus ikut ke parkiran. belum kalau belanjaannya banyak.
tempat lumayan buat belanja bulanan, anak anak normalnya seneng disini.
Hendra Permadi Siswoyo (01/04/2017 22:07)
Meika Rahma (14/03/2017 12:55)
Tempat perbelanjaan di Nganjuk yang terkenal. Banyak menyediakan kebutuhan pokok, kosmetik, makanan matang dan mentah, baju, buku, tas, sepatu, jilbab, mainan anak dan banyak lainnya. Harganya lumayan murah kok. Recommended untuk yang pengen shopping bareng keluarga. Pelayanan ramah, keamanan juga terjaga. Tempatnya selalu ramai setiap hari 😊😊😊
Nuril Qolby (28/02/2017 06:05)
Pelayanan nya bagus
Dewi Nilasari (27/01/2017 16:32)
Complete enough
gora dirga (14/01/2017 13:15)
Tempat belanja yang nyaman dan beragam pilihan disini, namun parkir mobil relatif jauh dan menyebrang jalan.
Muhammad Zuhri (10/01/2017 02:07)
Salah satu swalayan terlengkap di kota angin, yang menyediakan mulai dari bahan baku sehari-hari maupun peralatan rumah tangga.
taslim tohary salim (09/01/2017 01:13)
Saya Pernah bekerja sama dengan orang mendirikan usaha dagang makanan kecil di sini, tapi waktu masih swalayan harly cepat sekali perkembangan ekonomi di sini kanan kiri terlihat lebih indah..tinggal menjalankan tentunya lebih mudah dari pada merintis,..
Dina Kartikasari (17/10/2016 03:59)
Supermarket yang bagus.
Nur Muklis S (12/09/2016 04:17)
fika imut (27/08/2016 18:00)
Bersih nyaman
SAMSUNG Galaxy Tab 3 (14/07/2016 01:14)
Enak tidak kotor
Hadi Rohmanto (12/06/2016 01:20)
Pulang kampung di nganjuk, suka mampir disini
Intan Ayuna (28/03/2016 08:39)
Suka belanja
Nadina Dina (19/01/2016 05:06)
Suka berbelanja
Y Prakosa (21/11/2015 13:46)
Good Place for Shopping. But I think some people has been add wrong coordinates for this place