Komentar :
zhane abarai (29/05/2018 06:14)
Varian coffe nusantara
Adhit Satria (10/04/2018 10:31)
Aku kesini biasanya beli grohnd coffee.. banyak varian nya.. penyuka dark roast coffee pasti cocok kesini..
Deli Indrianti (21/01/2018 13:28)
Cozzy at the night
Ogi Pratama (05/12/2017 14:11)
This place serves a local coffee bean around Indonesia, like Aceh Gayo, Pandanarum, Toraja, etc. The atmosphere is quite comfy enough. Eventhough the prices are relatively not cheap enough for local people near this coffeshop
Ferry Maulana (19/10/2017 02:41)
Good coffee
Kiki Efendi (29/08/2017 05:20)
Nice cofee
A B (28/07/2016 01:40)
Great selection of drinks. Jamu. Good food.
pratama 27 (05/12/2017 14:11)
This place serves a local coffee bean around Indonesia, like Aceh Gayo, Pandanarum, Toraja, etc. The atmosphere is quite comfy enough. Eventhough the prices are relatively not cheap enough for local people near this coffeshop
M.A Saleeh (29/08/2017 15:38)
Tempat ngopi yg santai & nyaman.
Pilihan berbagai citarasa murni kopi Nusantara.
Tempat yg cocok bagi para pecinta kopi sejati.
Eka Pratama (21/06/2017 11:35)
Many variants of coffee in this remote area
della ps (10/06/2017 10:50)
Wifi cepat, pilihan kopi beragam, banyak snack dan makanan. Namun pencahayaan agak remang2 sehingga banyak nyamuk dan tidak cocok untuk bekerja.
egar raditya (31/05/2017 03:00)
Tempat ngopi yg recommended skali.. banyak varian kopi.. tempatnya nyaman buat nongkrong
mokhamad gufron (15/05/2017 11:36)
Kopi nya macam2 dan enak
Johan Wahyudi (25/03/2017 15:20)
Aneka Rasa Kopinya boleh dicoba....n dinikmati...muuuuantaaaab 🖒🖒🖒
Bernardus. aw (18/02/2017 23:54)
Ayo habung
Fajar Firdaus (02/01/2017 13:26)
Meskipun gasuka kopi tapi saya suka sama manajemen nya, suasana tempatnya dll. Hanya parkir untuk mobil aja ribet. Snack nya pun jadi pilihan utama ke sini, harga setimpal dengan rasa yang leh Ughaaa
Bobby Christoper (17/09/2016 04:22)
Nice place for relaxs & low budget
Muhammad Zubairi (30/07/2016 05:22)
Ok juga lho.... Setelah ngerasain kopi disini utk pertama kalinya.... Next time mampir lagi ah kalau lewat situ
Andrew Blackstone (28/07/2016 01:40)
Great selection of drinks. Jamu. Good food.
basuki rachmad (23/08/2016 17:27)
Biasa aq ngopi
Ilmu Kolaborasi (29/07/2016 12:15)
Banyak Pilihan Kopi. Pilihan Ku, Kopi Susu Aceh Gayo dengan Vietnam Drip :)
dwi putra (16/07/2016 08:03)
Edi Renaldi (12/07/2016 00:22)
Warung Kopi enak,