Direktori Lokasi di Indonesia

Veni Vidi Vici (V3 Hotel)

Mojokerto, Kabupaten, Jawa Timur
Klasifikasi: Hotel and Villa
Alamat: Jalan Tambak Bayan Tengah No.17-19, Alun-alun Contong, Bubutan, Kota SBY, Jawa Timur 60174, Indonesia
Rating: 3.70
Telp: +62 31 5319333

Komentar :

Dinar Wirantika (02/02/2018 05:49)
A way better than hotel Tanjung

Ainul Yaqin (01/02/2018 04:16)
Nice hotel in surabaya

Agung Sukanta (30/01/2018 04:44)
nice place and price to stay...

Stephanus Kurnianto (09/01/2018 01:17)
Old hotel, quite affordable, would be amazing if kept clean.

Nyor Imey (19/11/2017 04:27)
Good service

Kuncoro Sugiharto (28/11/2017 11:31)
Good places..

Filippo Aditya (17/11/2017 00:12)
Nice place

Enggar Wiyasmanen (03/10/2017 09:44)

Jon Ibra (10/09/2017 08:01)

mud Jayadi (04/08/2017 10:18)
Cukup nyaman Dan sesuaI dengan harga

Agung Pratikto (03/08/2017 04:22)
Best choice for cheap hotel

Vely Darma (23/05/2017 02:14)

Talal alboloushi (04/04/2017 12:09)
Nice please

cucuk suprijatno (06/02/2017 12:20)

1n3v 1971 (30/01/2017 01:00)
A cheap hotel in surabaya

Yohan Adi Setiawan (18/11/2016 13:00)
Cheap price

Joe Sopian (19/05/2015 06:10)
Really2 BAD, The hotel looks like it's 20 years old, The paint wears off and the walls are a bit dirty, AC and TV also looks like they are 20 yo. booked a deluxe room, the first room we came in has cockroach, but they gave us a new room which is okay. room was spacious but the AC is not cold enough. The only thing that's good about this hotel is the architecture, which has a large koi pond in the middle.

Irfan Aja (20/01/2015 13:07)
Nice place

Sulistianing Ratnasari (01/01/2016 08:06)
Hotel jadul. Kalo nginap disini pastikan dpt di lantai 1 yg telah direnovasi

Tri Lisa (30/03/2015 00:44)
V3 = Vini Vidi Vici

Ruddy Ibrahim (21/12/2014 14:25)

Faisal Temin (04/10/2013 06:47)
Sy suka arsitektur bangunannya.... Tp di bagian dlm kamarx perlu di modernisasi agar trasa lebih nyaman

Tempat Lainnya :

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    Telp: +62 812-3013-7100
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  8. villa suryo
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  9. Villa Cemara
    Jl. Raya Sajen No.164, Made, Sajen, Pacet, Mojokerto, Jawa Timur 61374, Indonesia
  10. Ponpes Roudlotul Amanah
    Wareng, Mojotengah, Sukorejo, Pasuruan, East Java 67161, Indonesia
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